Just hours before Powell joined Bush for dinner on Aug. 5, General Franks briefed Bush on what would become the final war plan for invading Iraq. “I told him, ‘Removing Saddam is the easy part,’” he said. He said it was the Garmin hardware he had been interested in. But, WMD had not been found in Iraq. Powell played an intercept of a conversation between Iraqi army officers about the U.N. inspections. Colin Powell on Iraq 2001: Counseled against Iraq at same time as Afghanistan Saddam's brutal dictatorship was widely considered the most dangerous country in the world. Still, Powell could see that his grim prophecy to the president — “this will become your first term” — registered. Nov.29 -- Ret. According to the official State Department translation (and confirmed for me by Imad Khadduri), the Iraqi soldier merely said: “And we sent you a message to inspect the scrap areas and the abandoned areas.”. Because this idea is so cockamamie, it’ll never happen.” Of Hussein, “Powell kept saying, ‘He’s a bad guy in a box, so let’s keep building the box,’” another one of his deputies recalled. Cheney smiled. By the time Powell resigned from his post, his performance that morning before the U.N. Security Council had come to symbolize the tragic recklessness of Bush’s decision to go to war. His administration’s policy focused on Afghanistan throughout the final months of 2001. He spoke of decontamination trucks at chemical-weapons factories, to the consternation of the chemical-weapons analyst Larry Fox, who had repeatedly warned that the speech was making too much out of what might well be innocuous vehicles but had been repeatedly overruled by his superiors. “These are not assertions. Smirking, he replied, “You might tell them I’m curious about it.”. had intercepted on its way to Iraq in 2001 was intended for use in uranium-enrichment centrifuges (a claim that was leaked to The New York Times). Rumsfeld was not Powell’s only rival in the room. Rumsfeld and his team were polite but visibly unimpressed. “Give me everything you’ve got,” Walpole in turn told his weapons team, according to one of the analysts. Even Cheney had explicitly acknowledged that Powell was the right man for the job. I want you with me.”. The C.I.A.’s dissenters were not in the room during the secretary’s U.N. speech preparation — and Curveball’s intelligence was the room’s star attraction. Cheney and Rumsfeld are in a different place. Colin Powell : comment la CIA m'a trompé En 2003, le secrétaire d'Etat américain prononçait à l'ONU son discours sur les armes de destruction massive en Irak. Just a couple of minutes into his summary, Rice stopped him. Nearly all the intelligence Powell presented to the world in his speech turned out to be false. After all, Hussein had violated numerous U.N. resolutions regarding his weapons program, aggression toward Kuwait and treatment of his own people. But Curveball’s claims to have been part of a mobile biological-weapons program had also polarized the agency. A NYT Magazine piece on Colin Powell and the case to invade Iraq highlights an NIE that was prepared not to determine the truth, but rather to “justify” preemptive war on Iraq, where there was nothing to preempt. Tusk Strategies, a firm beloved by the city’s elite, is backing the malleable mayoral candidate. This P.D.B. “But we were all infected in the case for war.”. Here’s a transcript of an exchange between Powell and Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington in December 2006, with video below: HUSSEINI: You cited Hussein Kamel in your U.N. testimony. By contrast, Powell’s team found it highly unlikely that Hussein would consort with Islamic terrorists who despised the secular Iraqi regime. D'origine afro-caribéenne, il naît dans une famille d'immigrants jamaïcains et est élevé dans le quartier du South Bronx à New York. What Powell did not know was that there were other C.I.A. Then they lied about ever producing it (until his defection). I left thinking, OK, I feel good about this.”. How many covert wars, miscarriages of justice, and dystopian technologies would remain hidden if our reporters weren’t on the beat? McLaughlin tried again. Merci 256. The Intercept is an independent nonprofit news outlet. the assignment of redoing that.”. The burden would then be on the C.I.A. The general had directed the procurement agent to buy equipment for Iraq’s unmanned aerial vehicles program. “Rich,” Armitage recalled him replying, “if you gave it to me, I’d have to have a taster.”, As one of Powell’s subordinates put it: “The secretary and Armitage thought we could get by with a rope-a-dope approach: Let’s play along. That devastated me. Over the course of our two hourlong conversations, he made clear that he was all too aware of the lonely turf he was destined to occupy in history. As measured and even-tempered as Tenet was mercurial, he wore natty suspenders but was otherwise a by-the-book professional who pored over classified documents with a ruler, sliding it slowly downward line by line. That’s all it takes to support the journalism you rely on. They asked few questions. He was, as a top National Security Council staff member who respected Powell would recall, “more of a dissident, who,” as the administration drifted steadily toward confrontation with Hussein, “would say, ‘I’m fighting a rear-guard action against these [expletive] crazies.’”. “Because I want you sitting right behind me when I give it tomorrow morning.” Tenet was reluctant — he was aware that his appearing with the secretary would give the appearance that the C.I.A. Full text of Colin Powell's speech. He instructed Bob Walpole to make the Case more persuasive. It’s a decontamination vehicle in case something goes wrong. What if that same voice that publicly proclaimed the necessity of invading Iraq had instead told Bush privately that it was not merely an invitation to unintended consequences but a mistake, as he personally believed it to be? All other sources are linked below. Powell, who is now 83, is as proud and blunt-speaking as he was during his career in public service. ‘‘He’s the president.’’. The speech set out to detail Iraq’s … As mentioned above, the State Department’s intelligence staff, called the INR, prepared two memos on the presentation. Can we trust him?” If the answer did not suit him, Powell’s reply would be: “I’m not comfortable with that. Cheney, Libby, Wolfowitz and Feith found his evidence on this subject to be persuasive. The house belonged to the billionaire Ronald Lauder, who for most of August was hosting his good friend and Straw’s American counterpart, Colin Powell. This was, I learned, typical of the prewar intelligence estimates: They amounted to semi-educated guesses built on previous and seldom-challenged guesses that always assumed the worst and imagined deceptiveness in everything the Iraqi regime did. “Good,” Powell said. “Nice try,” the president said to McLaughlin. That Tenet did not resist the request suggested that the agency had crossed a red line. Husam Amin told them that the government would hold them responsible if UNMOVIC found any WMD in their units or areas, or if there was anything that cast doubt on Iraq’s cooperation with UNMOVIC. Colin Powell made his Iraq presentation at the United Nations ten years ago today, on February 5th, 2003. Once they were seated, Grossman got right to the point. “You have gotten the president way out on a limb on this,” she said. Some who worked with Tenet — a Clinton holdover whose agency’s work was repeatedly criticized by Rumsfeld and others — thought he fretted that the White House would come to see him as unhelpful and proceed to disregard the C.I.A.’s assessments altogether. Larry Fox, a senior chemical-weapons analyst, did not watch basketball. Maybe Iraqis just manufacture their conventional weapons to a higher standard than we do, but I don’t think so. Iraq does not possess any weapons of mass destruction. Straw listened sympathetically. “The really strong stuff was Curveball,” remembered Bill McLaughlin, a C.I.A. Colin Powell delivered his presentation making the case for war with Iraq at the United Nations 15 years ago, on February 5, 2003. Walpole — who personally thought that invading Iraq made absolutely no sense — nonetheless could see that the administration wouldn’t be satisfied with a case that was built only on deceptions and shady activity. The two were alone in the Oval Office on Jan. 13, 2003. Ses ancêtres sont africains, écossais et irlandais. He entered the Bush administration as a four-star general of immense popularity and political influence. “I’m in that photo,” the munitions expert whispered to Cagle. “What choice did I have? At the U.N., Powell described a satellite picture this way: The two arrows indicate the presence of sure signs that the bunkers are storing chemical munitions…The truck you […] see is a signature item. These figures were concentrated in Rumsfeld’s Pentagon and in Cheney’s office. ), with reviewing the speech’s claims on biological, chemical and nuclear weapons. “Maybe have a lawyer look at how to lay out the structure of the argument,” Bush continued. You write to prove a thesis, rather than evaluating the information. It is technically wrong to say he actually helped cover up My Lai. He wrote to his analysts, “We must make a public case that ‘Iraq HAS WMDs.’”, Unknown to Walpole’s team, a parallel process was underway in the Office of the Vice President. He enjoyed performing sleight-of-hand coin tricks, which earned him the code name Merlin from the C.I.A. considered the Iraqi engineer credible, the agency’s Directorate of Operations officers, who dealt firsthand with informants, believed they knew a liar when they saw one. “What’s ‘high confidence’?” she asked. Iraq was “the head of the snake,” he contended, and should be America’s primary target. 12 experts reportedly under house arrest… Highly questionable. The audience included Rice, Wolfowitz, Armitage and Stephen Hadley, the deputy national security adviser. Powell was tasked with presenting the case for invading Iraqto the UN General Assembly, and he dutifully went ahead. Moreover, a circular reasoning guided the intelligence community’s prewar estimates. “The first thing they teach you in C.I.A. The next morning, Cheney’s staff got to work on their alternative presentation. One of the Greatest Historical Lies of the century, that makes it possible for USA to invade another country (with huge resources of black gold). The second INR memo, written on February 3, 2003, told Powell this: Our key remaining concern is the claim that the tubes are manufactured to a tolerance that “far exceeds U.S. requirements for comparable rockets.” In fact, the most comparable U.S. system is a tactical rocket — the U.S. Mark 66 air-launched 70mm rocket — that uses the same, high-grade (7075-T6) aluminum, and that has specifications with similar tolerances. Whether Iraq actually had weapons of mass destruction or not was being investigated by Hans Blix, head of the commission, and Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency. On Friday afternoon, Dec. 20, McLaughlin stood in Rumsfeld’s conference room at the Pentagon before a group that included Wolfowitz, Feith and Franks and recited the Case. Again: Powell took evidence of the Iraqis doing what they were supposed to do — i.e., searching their gigantic ammunition dumps to make sure they weren’t accidentally holding onto banned chemical weapons — and doctored it to make it look as if Iraq were hiding banned weapons. This claim is highly questionable and promises to be targeted by critics and possibly UN inspection officials as well. Some of the core mysteries that still hung over the most consequential American foreign-policy decision in a half-century, I found, remained mysteries even to Powell. “I think I have to do this. The two had traveled in the same foreign-policy circles for decades, but their collegiality had begun to fray over Iraq. The I.N.R. Defer to headquarters, but to use information from another liaison service’s source whose information cannot be verified on such an important, key topic should take the most serious consideration.”, Powell knew nothing about these serious concerns. For the next 20 or so minutes, McLaughlin spoke almost entirely uninterrupted. Cheney had a history with both men. Though millionaire Pete Snyder is mostly self-funded, he accepted donations from current and former Coke lobbyists. The leader of the Iraqi National Congress, an aspiring government in exile, Chalabi had for years been feeding sympathetic policymakers and journalists a utopian vision of what a post-Hussein democratic Iraq might look like. “My colleagues, every statement I make today is backed up by sources, solid sources,” Powell said in his calm, sonorous baritone. “And the obvious answer was Colin Powell, chief diplomat.”, “Are you with me on this?” Bush asked Powell. The admission only came out after inspectors collected documentation as a result of the defection of Hussein Kamel, Saddam Hussein’s late son-in-law. Powell asserted that Iraq had WMD in the UN saying intelligence reports backed this information. On Oct. 7, the president announced the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom, a military attack on Al Qaeda and the Taliban. And that’s the problem.”. last bullet. Powell’s own intelligence staff, the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, prepared two memos commenting on drafts of the presentation. During the gulf war, his poise and resolve on television rallied Americans leery of foreign entanglements after the horror of Vietnam. KAMEL: No. analysts to argue why any of it should be thrown out. George Tenet, the director of the C.I.A., broadly agreed with Powell on the administration hawks’ intelligence — so it was at first glance mystifying that the U.S. intelligence community, by the summer of 2002, was providing the most convincing arguments for going to war. “It was the kind of specificity we needed to show. It’s now available only via archive.org. The day after he returned to London, Straw warned Blair that he should not dismiss the prospect of Bush’s unilaterally taking his country to war. And a month after that, on Jan. 29, 2002, the president delivered his State of the Union address branding Iraq, Iran and North Korea the Axis of Evil. He added: “The source himself is problematical. Irak : Ce que Colin Powell savait et ce qu’il a dit aux Nations Unies. His own boss, Prime Minister Tony Blair, professed a commitment to regime change in Iraq, but one that was orderly and supported by other countries in the West as well as in the Arab world. And if that weren’t enough, Kamel also said this in an interview on CNN with correspondent Brent Sadler: SADLER: Can you state here and now — does Iraq still to this day hold weapons of mass destruction? Colin Powell, secrétaire d'État des États-Unis, tenant une capsule d' anthrax, lors d'une session du Conseil de sécurité des Nations unies, prétendant que l'Irak est susceptible de posséder des armes de destruction massive, 5 février 2003. The sources in the text weren’t footnoted, and Wilkerson grimaced as he watched Hannah fumble through his binders. Clearly, Powell’s loyalty to Bush extended to being willing to deceive the world: the United Nations, Americans, and the coalition troops about to be sent to kill and die in Iraq. Alone among the president’s war council, the four-star general was seen by Republicans and Democrats, the news media and the public as a figure of unassailable credibility. last bullet. For two hours, Rice said little while Powell proceeded to do what no one else in the Bush administration had done or would do: tell the president to his face that things in Iraq could go horribly wrong. And when it came to policy in the Middle East, Powell was not where the rest of Bush’s team was. Powell viewed the document suspiciously. The analysts knew not to present these judgments as facts. On Saturday, Jan. 25, Libby gave a preview of the new presentation in the Situation Room. The analysts had noted what seemed to be recent suspicious movement of vehicles around suspected chemical-weapons plants. Libby had instructed his Middle East specialist to put every damning bit of raw intelligence he could find into his brief.
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