[62] By 1935 Mao had become the party's Politburo Standing Committee member and informal military leader, with Zhou Enlai and Zhang Wentian, the formal head of the party, serving as his informal deputies. [32][33] Then they found the KMT, a party founded by Sun Yat-sen, which was leading the Guangzhou government to confront the Northern government. En 2015, le parti comptabilisait 87,79 millions d'adhérents et 90 millions à la fin de 2018[18],[19]. However that decision must be approved by the next higher level of the local party committee. Le Congrès acheva ses travaux peu après à bord d'un bateau naviguant sur le lac Nan (en) en plein centre de la ville de Jiaxing, dans la province du Zhejiang, entre Shanghai et Hangzhou[21]. Guo, Baogang. Supporters viewed it as a further development of socialism with Chinese characteristics. [207] Chinese analysts on Vietnam believe that the introduction of the Doi Moi reform policy at the 6th CPV National Congress is the key reason for Vietnam's current success. [218], Social democratic movements in Europe have been of great interest to the CCP since the early 1980s. [139] Before Jiang Zemin's tenure as paramount leader, the party core and collective leadership were indistinguishable. [90] In the Cultural Revolution, party leaders such as Liu Shaoqi, Deng Xiaoping, Peng Dehuai, and He Long, were purged or exiled and the power were fallen into the Gang of Four led by Jiang Qing, Mao's wife. Celle-ci doit permettre aux Chinois de comprendre la « nature du rêve chinois, d'inspirer son amour du Parti, du pays et du socialisme, et de réunir le grand élan du renouveau national ». Chiang asked the Kuomintang to join the Communist International in order to rule out the secret expansion of communists in the KMT, while Chen Duxiu hoped that the communists would completely withdraw from the KMT. Mao claimed that the superiority of democratic centralism lay in its internal contradictions, between democracy and centralism, and freedom and discipline. Le premier congrès a lieu dans le plus grand secret, le 23 juillet 1921 au sein de la concession française de Shanghai dans une maison de briques grises de l'actuel Xintiandi appartenant à Li HanjunLi Hanjun un sympathisant de la première heure. [209], There is a considerable degree of interest in Cuba within the CCP. [128] It is considered to be Hu Jintao's contribution to the official ideological discourse. Le Parti communiste chinois (PCC), qui célèbre son 100e anniversaire cette année, a tracé une voie qui lui est propre et accompli des exploits en matière de développement social, de préservation de l'environnement et de gouvernance publique, a estimé le dirigeant politique panaméen Hector Aleman. [65] Yet, by 1943, the CCP was again actively expanding its territory at the expense of the KMT. The CCP headed the Central People's Government. Upon arrival, the Taiwan provincial branch of the CCP was particularly targeted, and by 1952 had been completely destroyed. The Communist Party of China (CPC), commonly known as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), is the founding and sole governing political party of the People's Republic of China (PRC). The flag sleeve (pole hem) is in white and 6.5 cm in width. [195] In 2014 Xi Jinping, the CCP general secretary, personally met with Gennady Zyuganov, the First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (CPRF), to discuss party-to-party relations. [106] Xi himself has described the thought as part of the broad framework created around socialism with Chinese characteristics. Mais ce dernier lui retire son soutien et le fait mettre en accusation par le Comité central. [125] Jiang disagreed, and had concluded that attaining the communist mode of production, as formulated by earlier communists, was more complex than had been realized, and that it was useless to try to force a change in the mode of production, as it had to develop naturally, by following the economic laws of history. [181] Admitted members then spend a year as a probationary member. [131], Deng did not believe that the fundamental difference between the capitalist mode of production and the socialist mode of production was central planning versus free markets. En 1949, après leur victoire militaire, les dirigeants du Parti communiste chinois s’installent dans le Zhongnanhai, une dépendance de la Cité interdite à Pékin. [28] With only 50 members in the beginning of 1921, the CCP organization and authorities grew tremendously. [210] At the 4th Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee, which discussed the possibility of the CCP learning from other ruling parties, praise was heaped on the PCC. [217], Circa 2008, the CCP has been especially interested in Latin America,[217] as shown by the increasing number of delegates sent to and received from these countries. », « OffshoreLeaks : révélations sur l'argent caché des « princes rouges » chinois », « Les Institutions Chinoises : une Introduction », « « Le multipartisme n'a pas fonctionné en Chine » (Xi Jinping) ». Ainsi en 1989, lors des manifestations de la place Tian'anmen, l'armée intervient après des semaines de négociation, « écrase les manifestants » et met un « terme brutal » aux demandes de libéralisation politique[54]. The process, which literally translates to "double regulation", aims to extract confessions from members accused of violating party rules. The red color symbolizes revolution; the hammer-and-sickle are tools of workers and peasants, meaning that the Communist Party of China represents the interests of the masses and the people; the yellow color signifies brightness. La campagne des cinq anti prend le relais. », « Xi Jinping formellement élu président en Chine », « Les 83 milliardaires du Parlement chinois », « La Chine, nid à milliardaires: qui sont les nababs rouges ? [22] In contrast to Chen, Li did not renounce participation in the affairs of the Republic of China. Li Jianguo, membre du bureau politique du Parti communiste depuis novembre 2012[94], ferait l'objet d'une enquête engagée par les autorités chinoises. The first plenum also endorses the composition of the Secretariat and the leadership of the CCDI. [218] By the 1980s, that view had changed and the CCP concluded that it could actually learn something from the social democratic movement. [95] In his report to the 14th National Congress Jiang Zemin told the delegates that the socialist state would "let market forces play a basic role in resource allocation. [176] The party committees "of a county (banner), autonomous county, city not divided into districts, or municipal district [are] elected for a term of five years", but full and alternate members "must have a Party standing of three years or more. [218] Despite this, the CCP reached an agreement in 2013 with the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), which was founded by Chávez, for the CCP to educate PSUV cadres in political and social fields. [182] The CCP currently has 90.59 million members,[183] making it the second largest political party in the world after India's Bharatiya Janata Party. Toutefois, en 2012, il dit avoir été victime d'une purge politique et indique que la supposée corruption n'était qu'un prétexte. De même l'affaire de Chen Liangyu correspond à la période de lutte d'influence entre Jiang Zemin et son successeur Hu Jintao. Il avait alors un double objectif : prendre le dessus sur les éléments progressifs pour mettre en place un programme de modernisation et de réforme démocratique, et renverser dans le Xikang le régime de Liu Wenhui, un des seigneurs de la guerre chinois aligné sur le Kuomintang. La sinologue Marie-Claire Bergère indique que le parti présente toujours une « organisation pyramidale » : le congrès est à sa tête. ", "Informal Institutions in Autocracies: Analytical Perspectives and the Case of the Chinese Communist Party", Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China, Organizational structure of the Communist Party of China, People's Political Consultative Conference, Democratic National Construction Association (CDNCA), Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), Peasants' and Workers' Democratic Party (CPWDP), Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League (TDSGL), Political parties in the Republic of China after 1949, Warlord Rebellion in northeastern Shandong, Wartime perception of the Chinese Communists, 1947–1948 Civil War in Mandatory Palestine, North Yemen-South Yemen Border conflict of 1972, Struggle against political abuse of psychiatry in the Soviet Union, List of Eastern Bloc agents in the United States, American espionage in the Soviet Union and Russian Federation, Allied intervention in the Russian Civil War, People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola, African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde, African Party for the Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde, Movement for the Liberation of São Tomé and Príncipe, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chinese_Communist_Party&oldid=1021797452, Political parties in the Republic of China, Articles containing simplified Chinese-language text, Articles containing traditional Chinese-language text, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles containing Mongolian-language text, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. [62] At every level of the party this was duplicated, with standing committees now in effective control. En 1989, le journal officiel Beijing Information indique que le Parti comprend 47,7 millions de membres dont 7,7 % d'illettrés, 34,8 % ont une formation primaire et 28,5 % qui ont un niveau secondaire. [67] The result was that the CCP was able to cut off KMT garrisons in Manchuria and retake several lost territories. Le parti communiste chinois n'est plus très communiste. L'Armée populaire de libération fut fondée sous le nom d'Armée rouge chinoise par le Parti communiste chinois le 1er août 1927 au tout début de la guerre civile qui l'opposa au Kuomintang. He went missing in March after criticizing Xi, and later his case was passed to the judiciary system for criminal investigation. L'avocat Pu Zhiqiang, avant son arrestation en mai 2014, est intervenu dans la défense de membres du Parti communiste ayant subi des tortures dans le cadre d'enquêtes sur des allégations de corruption[100]. "[192] In total the flag has five dimensions, the sizes are "no. [62] The party adopted democratic centralism, a way to organize revolutionary parties, and established a Politburo (to function as the standing committee of the Central Committee). [145] While discussions do take place, they are all supervised by the CCP. [209] For instance, in 2006 the CCP invited the WPK general secretary Kim Jong-il to Guangdong province to showcase the success economic reforms have brought China. Il a été expulsé de Lhassa en 1949 par le gouvernement tibétain du Ganden Phodrang. National Congress of The Communist Party of China (CPC)", "The Guomindang (Kuomintang), the Nationalist Party of China", "The Chinese Communist Party Is Still Afraid of Sun Yat-Sen's Shadow", "Tug of war over China's founding father Sun Yat-sen as Communist Party celebrates his legacy", "Which is Sun Yat-sen's heir - Communist Party or KMT? « Le camarade Lin Piao a toujours porté haut levé le drapeau de la pensée [de] Mao Tsétoung. [95] It was at this gathering that Jiang Zemin introduced the term socialist market economy, which replaced Chen Yun's "planned socialist market economy". [91] Deng won the struggle, and became the "paramount leader" in 1978. [217] While the CCP was slow to recognize the pink tide in Latin America, it has strengthened party-to-party relations with several socialist and anti-American political parties over the years. According to the party's constitution, a congress may not be postponed except "under extraordinary circumstances. Les branches du Parti communiste chinois (PCC) présentes dans les entreprises privées sont un ingrédient clé de cette poussée. Mao Yushi estime que l'affaire Bo Xilai a le mérite de montrer au grand jour les luttes entre les factions rivales[91]. [164] These relations are sought so that the CCP can learn from them. "[98] The theory legitimized the entry of private business owners and bourgeois elements into the party. [68] The last stage, lasting from September 1948 to December 1949, saw the communists take the initiative and the collapse of KMT rule in mainland China as a whole. "[103] Foreign commentators have likened him to Mao. L’ONG indique que les médias sont sous le contrôle du Parti communiste[68]. The two countries' friendship has withstood the test of a changeable international situation, and the friendship has been further strengthened and consolidated. "[158] The general secretary serves as the Chairman of the CNSC. [44][45], The communists dominated the left-wing of the KMT, a party organized on Leninist lines, struggling for power with the party's right wing. Women's disadvantage is most evident in their severe under representation in the more powerful political positions. Le Parti communiste chinois (chinois simplifié : 中国共产党 ; chinois traditionnel : 中國共産黨 ; pinyin : Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng ; en anglais, Communist Party of China ou CPC) est le parti dirigeant la république populaire de Chine (RPC) depuis 1949, ainsi que de facto le parti unique[17]. En 1969, lors du 9e Politburo du Parti communiste chinois, Lin Biao est désigné comme le successeur de Mao[28]. In 2014, only 2 million applications were accepted out of some 22 million applicants. [176] Members enjoy the privilege of attending Party meetings, reading relevant Party documents, receiving Party education, participating in Party discussions through the Party's newspapers and journals, making suggestions and proposal, making "well-grounded criticism of any Party organization or member at Party meetings" (even of the central party leadership), voting and standing for election, and of opposing and criticizing Party resolutions ("provided that they resolutely carry out the resolution or policy while it is in force"); and they have the ability "to put forward any request, appeal, or complaint to higher Party organizations, even up to the Central Committee, and ask the organizations concerned for a responsible reply. [188], The Communist Youth League (CYL) is the CCP's youth wing, and the largest mass organization for youth in China. "[213] While the CCP accepts that Singapore is a liberal democracy, they view it as a guided democracy led by the PAP. Commentators have described the campaign as a defining part of Xi's leadership as well as "the principal reason why he has been able to consolidate his power so quickly and effectively. "[176] At the beginning of its history, the CCP did not have a single official standard for the flag, but instead allowed individual party committees to copy the flag of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. "[144] This process is institutionalized in the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC). [231], Communist Party /  People's Republic of China ( Red Army → 8th Route Army, N4A, etc. [144] All the parties in the United Front support China's road to socialism, and hold steadfast to the leadership of the CCP. Li Lisan was able to assume de facto control of the party organization by 1929–30. Mais ce mouvement démocratique n'était pas mûr et n'a pas fait preuve de la résolution et de l'habilité politique nécessaires. This is the only system that can give full expression to democracy with full powers vested in the people's congresses at all levels and, at the same time, guarantee centralized administration with the governments at each level exercising centralized management of all the affairs entrusted to them by the people's congresses at the corresponding level and safeguarding whatever is essential to the democratic life of the people". [98] Hu Jintao, Jiang Zemin's successor as general secretary, took office in 2002. L’histoire de la Chine impériale oscille entre un pouvoir central se renforçant et une population n’hésitant pas à se soulever quand les responsables étaient jugés illégitimes[71]. This pandemic could have been prevented if the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) did not lie. CCP members grew tremendously after the 4th congress, from 900 to 2,428 in year 1925. [137] This counts as informal power. La lutte devient très difficile pour les communistes à partir de 1928 lorsque le Kuomintang prend le pouvoir en Chine. [157] Unlike the collective leadership ideal of other party organs, the CMC chairman acts as commander-in-chief with full authority to appoint or dismiss top military officers at will. [141] In the words of the party constitution, "The Party is an integral body organized under its program and constitution and on the basis of democratic centralism". [194] In another instance, Pierre Laurent, the National Secretary of the French Communist Party (PCF), met with Liu Yunshan, a Politburo Standing Committee member. [65], Mao Zedong became the Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party in 1945. Merci. [93] While asserting the political power of the Party, the change in policy generated significant economic growth. [175], Party committees exist at the level of provinces, cities, counties, and neighborhoods. Il se réunit, en principe, au moins une fois tous les cinq ans. En 2016, Yu Zhengsheng indique que les retraités du Parti communiste chinois et de la fonction publique ne doivent pas pratiquer une activité religieuse[70]. However, occasionally small local governments in China release such data. Selon la « version officielle » Gao Gang se suicide en août 1954[44]. [47] When Chiang gradually gained the support of Western countries, the conflict between him and the communists became more and more intense. [29] While it was originally held in a house in the Shanghai French Concession, French police interrupted the meeting on 30 July[30] and the congress was moved to a tourist boat on South Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang province. The official explanation for China's economic reforms is that the country is in the primary stage of socialism, a developmental stage similar to the capitalist mode of production. In official party documentation and pronouncements by Xi's colleagues, the thought is said to be a continuation of previous party ideologies as part of a series of guiding ideologies that embody "Marxism adapted to Chinese conditions" and contemporary considerations. [76] In 1957, the CCP launched the Anti-Rightist Campaign against the political dissents and figures of the other minor parties which resulted in the political persecution of at least 550,000 people. [192] On 28 April 1942, the Central Politburo decreed the establishment of a sole official flag. [55] Chiang's allies also attacked communists; in Beijing, Li Dazhao and 19 other leading communists were executed by Zhang Zuolin, while in Changsha, He Jian's forces machine gunned hundreds of peasant militiamen. [119] While the CCP claims that China is in the primary stage of socialism, party theorists argue that the current development stage "looks a lot like capitalism". Ce mouvement d'éradication qui se concrétise par des emprisonnements et des exécutions se prolonge jusqu'en avril 1952. [218] The CCP has occasionally expressed some irritation over Hugo Chávez's anti-capitalist and anti-American rhetoric. [39] The CCP still treats Sun Yat-sen as one of the founders of their movement[40] and claim descent from him[41] as he is viewed as a proto communist[42][43] and the economic element of Sun's ideology was socialism. [174] Modeled after the Soviet Nomenklatura system, the party committee's organization department at each level has the power to recruit, train, monitor, appoint, and relocate these officials. Ce groupe d’étudiants était des orthodoxes de la politique marxisme-léninisme. Le site du premier congrès national du Parti communiste chinois, est situé aux n ° 76 et 78 Rue Xingye, district de Huangpu, Shanghai, Chine. Pragmatique, ce fils de paysan s'écarte très vite de la ligne marxiste-léniniste soviétique qui … The CCP emphasizes strong party-to-party relations with the KMT so as to strengthen the probability of the reunification of Taiwan with mainland China. They tried to contact Wu Peifu, but failed. [225] On 17 August 2020, Cai Xia was expelled from the CCP's Central Party School and her retirement pensions were cancelled. [223][224], In June 2020, Cai Xia, a retired professor of CCP's Central Party School, voiced criticisms against Xi Jinping, in which she compared Xi to a "mafia boss" and the ruling Communist Party a "political zombie". "[146] The party constitution gives the National Congress six responsibilities:[147], In practice, the delegates rarely discuss issues at length at the National Congresses. [77][78][79][80][81] The event led to the catastrophic results of the Second Five Year from 1958 when the CCP attempted at transforming the country from an agrarian into an industrialized economy through the formation of people's communes by launching the Great Leap Forward campaign. [156] The CMC is the highest decision-making institution on military affairs within the party, and controls the operations of the People's Liberation Army. [68], On 1 October 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong formally proclaimed the establishment of the PRC before a massive crowd at Tiananmen Square. [19][178] The Party secretary at each level is more senior than that of the leader of the government, with the CCP standing committee being the main source of power. [189] It controls and supervises Young Pioneers, a youth organization for children below the age of 14. Xi Jinping, fut le patron du Parti communiste à Shanghai[50]. [113] Before the "Practice Is the Sole Criterion for the Truth [zh]" campaign, the relationship between ideology and decision-making was a deductive one, meaning that policy-making was derived from ideological knowledge. 1: 388 cm in length and 192 cm in width; no. En 2013, selon un rapport de l'Institut Hurun, l'Assemblée nationale populaire compterait dans ses rangs 83 délégués milliardaires, dont Zong Qinghou, l'homme d'affaires le plus riche de Chine[55]. [...] It is also a political party of the parliamentary system, not a revolutionary party. Ni sur la sympathie évidente du gouvernement Trudeau pour le Parti communiste chinois. La collégialité au niveau de la direction du parti disparaît au profit du pouvoir personnel de Mao[25]. 8 371 membres et cadres du Parti communiste chinois selon une source de Hong Kong et 4 000 fonctionnaires selon une source japonaise ont quitté le pays en emportant 50 milliards de dollars[73]. [203] In recent years, noting the self-reform of the European social democratic movement in the 1980s and 1990s, the CCP "has noted the increased marginalization of West European communist parties. Mais depuis la réforme constitutionnelle du 11 mars 2018 cette limitation est caduque[38]. [96] Deng Xiaoping Theory can be defined as a belief that state socialism and state planning is not by definition communist, and that market mechanisms are class neutral. [17][18] The party grew quickly, and by 1949 it had driven the Kuomintang (KMT)'s Nationalist Government from mainland China to Taiwan after the Chinese Civil War, leading to the establishment of the People's Republic of China on 1 October 1949. Si les petits partis sont tolérés, ils ont bien un rôle « accessoire et simplement consultatif »[60]. [150] According to the party constitution, the general secretary must be a member of the Politburo Standing Committee (PSC), and is responsible for convening meetings of the PSC and the Politburo, while also presiding over the work of the Secretariat. [108], On 21 October 2020, the Subcommittee on International Human Rights (SDIR) of the Canadian House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development condemned the persecution of Uyghurs and other Turkic Muslims in Xinjiang by the Government of China and concluded that the Chinese Communist Party's actions amount to genocide of the Uyghurs per the Genocide Convention. [62] After being expelled from the party, Chen Duxiu went on to lead China's Trotskyist movement. Lors de son procès qui se tient en août 2013[89], Bo est condamné à la prison à vie[90]. Ye Dehui, a famous scholar, was killed by the communists. [218] With the exception of a short period in which the CCP forged party-to-party relations with far-right parties during the 1970s in an effort to halt "Soviet expansionism", the CCP's relations with European social democratic parties were its first serious efforts to establish cordial party-to-party relations with non-communist parties. "[132] At the 15th National Congress, the party line was changed to "make market forces further play their role in resource allocation"; this line continued until the 3rd Plenary Session [zh] of the 18th Central Committee,[132] when it was amended to "let market forces play a decisive role in resource allocation. » Ou encore « la relation entre le parti et les médias est celle du dirigeant et du dirigé »[64]. "[118] The attainment of true "communism" is still described as the CCP's and China's "ultimate goal". Le journaliste et historien Yang Jisheng, ancien membre du Parti communiste chinois, considère que la corruption en Chine atteint un tel niveau qu'il existe « une haine populaire très forte à l’égard des fonctionnaires et des riches »[74]. Ce que l’on entend ici par “étatisme” du Parti communiste chinois (PCC), c’est le fait de se servir d’un discours nationaliste pour faire passer la domination du PCC sur la société chinoise pour l’intérêt de l’État-nation ; le but est de mobiliser les masses populaires contre le monde extérieur, en particulier contre la tentative des pays occidentaux de contenir l’expansion et la montée en puissance de la Chine. Through these posts, the party leader is the country's paramount leader. [209] In general, the CCP considers the WPK and North Korea to be negative examples of a communist ruling party and socialist state. [182] Another group, the "Managing, professional and technical staff in enterprises and public institutions", made up 12.5 million, 9 million identified as working in administrative staff and 7.4 million described themselves as party cadres.
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