The Russian economy grew strongly during the first decade of the 20th century, and in 2009 the Russian population saw a small but significant increase. Since then, the population has increased again to 145.93 million; however, the population is expected to reach its peak at the end of 2020 and is projected to start declining again. Economic uncertainty was a major factor in this, persuading people against having children. Further contributing to Russia’s population decline is a low level of immigration. The Census results are probably the most reliable indicator, but other estimates of the Russia population are available. Actuelle de la population, les naissances et les décès aujourd'hui et au cours de l'année, la migration nette et la croissance démographique. Vladimir Poutine a rappelé que pour y parvenir, il faudra qu’environ 70% de la population adulte soit vaccinée. … Comme mentionné ci-dessus, il y a plus de 15 millions de villes en Russie en 2015. Population: 145,912,022. The rate of change of the Russian population is very close to 0% at present and the population isn't expected to change much by 2020. ; Russia population is equivalent to 1.87% of the total world population. The UN estimates the July 1, 2021 population at 145,912,025. See also the number of migrants for this country. Russia Population 1950-2021 The current population of Russia in 2021 is 145,912,025, a … «Cela arrivera. Russian Federation - 2021. The Russian state religion is Orthodox Christianity. Les plus grandes villes de Russie par population: TOP-5. It is home to over 145 million people but, due to the country’s size, is sparsely populated. Ce graphique représente la part de population urbaine dans la population totale en Russie de 2007 à 2017. Saint Petersburg is the second largest Russian city, with 5.1 million people, making it the 50th largest city in the world. En 2002 le taux d’urbanisation s’établissait à 74 %. Contactez-nous; Chine Population . Dans les mêmes proportions, le nombre de doses en Russie représentait 3,59% de sa population le 1er mars, soit un peu moins de 5,2 millions There is no fixed schedule, though, and until 2009 it was not certain that the 2010 census would even take place. 3.9% of the population did not declare any ethnic origin. The Russian population has been steadily declining for almost two decades now. Moscow is the largest city in Russia with a population of 12.1 million people, which also makes it the 11th largest city in the world. Russie - Population 1950..2021..2100, Densité de population, Carte de la population de/d'Russie Chaque jour, la population du pays Russie varie de -51,21 humains. ; Russia 2020 population is estimated at 145,934,462 people at mid year according to UN data. Ou en est on de la vaccination en Russie ? Russia also has one of the oldest populations in the world with an average age of 40.3 years. Looking back, in the year of 1960, Russia had a population of 119.9 million people. Russia's natural change in population over the past twenty-five years has been fairly unstable, decreasing in the early 90s, leveling out and then climbing beginning in 2005 before leveling out again. Depuis plusieurs semaines, des rassemblements ont lieu chaque jour à Bangui, au cours desquels la population exprime son soutien au FACA et aux alliés, y compris à la Russie. This information shows that Russia's run of increasing births and decreasing deaths may be ending. Russia is one of the few countries with a negative growth rate, declining from an estimated population of 146.3 million in 2015. Over the next decade, the population decreased at a fairly steady rate of a half percent per year. There is no official census data on religion, but a 2012 survey indicated that 41% of Russians were Russian Orthodox Christians, 13% were non-religious, 6.5% were Muslims, and 5.5% were "undecided.". Ten other Russian cities have a population of more than a million people. Moscow by far contributes to the population statistics, boasting a population of over 10 million residents as of 2016. Chaque seconde, la population du pays Russie varie de 0,00 humains. Population en 2021 [2]-Monde: 7 874 966 000: 1: Chine [c] 1 444 216 000 2: Inde: 1 393 409 000 3: États-Unis [d] 332 915 000 4: Indonésie: 276 362 000 5: Pakistan: 225 200 000 6: Brésil: 213 993 000 7: Nigeria: 211 401 000 8: Bangladesh: 166 303 000 9: Russie: 145 912 000 10: Mexique: 130 262 000 11: Japon: 126 051 000 12: Éthiopie: 117 876 000 13: Philippines From January to March 2013, the number of births shrank by about 4,000, while the number of deaths increased the same amount. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the population of Russia was recorded at 148,538,000. The Central Federal District was the most populated in Russia with over 39.25 million residents as of January 1, 2021. It was only a late intervention from the Russian Government, The country has a population density of just 8.4 people per square kilometer. Russia is mostly an urban country; according to the census results, 74% of Russians live in urban areas -- either towns or cities. Interestingly, Russia is one of the most sparsely populated countries in the world, in part due to its harsh climate. COMPTEUR.NET. The total population in Russia was estimated at 146.7 million people in 2020, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. Statista Sàrl. There are also indications that birth rates may be increasing slightly – probably due to a combination of increased confidence in Russia’s economic prospects and government incentives to new mothers -- especially a $10,000 payment which is made to mothers who have three or more children. There are 11 additional cities that each have populations exceeding one million. 3.9% of Russians are Tartars, 1.4% Ukrainians, 1.2% Bashkirs, 1.1% Chuvashs and 1.0% Chechens. Accessed: avril 27, 2021. Nous listons donc les plus grandes villes de Russie en termes de population: Cette donnée peut être utilisée afin de calculer l'IDH, le taux de natalité et le pourcentage de la population active. 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 2055 2060 2065 2070 2075 2080 2085 2090 2095 2100 145,912,022 Population. Population actuelle: 750 967 743. 81 84 84 84 83 84 84 81 82. The increase was reported as between 15,000 and 25,000 people and was attributed to a falling death rate and increasing migration. Le rythme de vaccination a certes accéléré au mois de mars, avec environ 100 000 doses administrées chaque jour. There are a total of 35 official languages in Russia, and more than a hundred other languages that do not have official recognition. Population Russie 2021. Russian is the official language of the country and spoken by almost everyone. Le site est le principal agrégateur de données relatives a la vaccination en Russie.. Ou en est on ce 23/02/2021 ? Population: 145,912,022. (4.25% de la population… Selon le directeur du Centre de recherches russe Gamaleya, qui a mis au point le vaccin russe Spoutnik V et dont l’efficacité serait de 92 %, une campagne de vaccination pourra être lancée en Russie dès février 2021. Russie : population totale de 2014 à 2024 (en millions d'habitants). Un tel titre, comme on le sait, est reçu par cette localité, dont le nombre d’habitants dépasse le million. La Russie a mené «avec succès» des manœuvres en Crimée avec la participation de plus de 10.000 militaires et 1.200 matériels. Mais 2020 a été une année record, avec -510 458 habitants au 1er janvier 2021 Mais 2020 a été une année record, avec -510 458 habitants au 1er janvier 2021 Although almost 81% of Russian citizens identify themselves as ethnic Russians, there are also other large ethnic groups. Further in the future, it is expected that the population will continue to decline slowly, getting down to 140 million by 2030, and 136 million by 2040. From around 17 per 1,000 persons in the mid 1980s, the rate fell to below 10 per 1,000 in the mid-1990s – well below the rate needed to sustain a population. 4 162 684 vaccins ont été réalisés. in 2009 the Russian population saw a small but significant increase. Blog - Follow us on Twitter - Buy a poster - Contact us by email, © December 2019 by, made available under a Creative Commons license CC BY 3.0 IGO:, Population Pyramids of the World from 1950 to 2100, Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries, Comparison of carbon emissions per country, List of countries ordered by their population size, Origin of the migrants stocks per country, Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19), Age dependency ratio (% of working-age population), Antiretroviral therapy coverage for PMTCT (% of pregnant women living with HIV), Antiretroviral therapy coverage (% of people living with HIV), Births attended by skilled health staff (% of total), Children with fever receiving antimalarial drugs (% of children under age 5 with fever), Completeness of death registration with cause-of-death information (%), Diabetes prevalence (% of population ages 20 to 79), Diarrhea treatment (% of children under 5 receiving oral rehydration and continued feeding), GNI per capita, Atlas method (current US$), Health expenditure per capita (current US$), Immunization, BCG (% of one-year-old children) - Turberculosis, Immunization, DPT (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), and Tetanus, Immunization, HepB3 (% of one-year-old children) - Hepatitis B, Immunization, Hib3 (% of children ages 12-23 months) - Meningitis, Pneumonia, and Epiglottitis, Immunization, measles (% of children ages 12-23 months), Immunization, Polio (% of one-year-old children), Incidence of HIV (% of uninfected population ages 15-49), Incidence of malaria (per 1,000 population at risk), Incidence of tuberculosis (per 100,000 people), Labor force, female (% of total labor force), Literacy rate, adult female (% of females ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, adult total (% of people ages 15 and above), Literacy rate, youth male (% of males ages 15-24), People practicing open defecation, urban (% of urban population), Population ages 65 and above (% of total), Prevalence of HIV, total (% of population ages 15-49), Prevalence of overweight, female (% of female adults), Prevalence of overweight, male (% of male adults), Prevalence of overweight (% of children under 5), Prevalence of syphilis (% of women attending antenatal care), Public spending on education, total (% of GDP), Risk of impoverishing expenditure for surgical care (% of people at risk), School enrollment, secondary, male (% net), Sex ratio at birth (male births per female births), Smoking prevalence, females (% of adults), Suicide mortality rate (per 100,000 population), Tuberculosis death rate (per 100,000 people), Unemployment, total (% of total labor force), However, Moscow isn't the only large city that's found in Russia. The current population of the Russian Federation is 145,985,737 as of Tuesday, April 27, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. L'âge médian est l'âge qui divise la population en deux groupes numériquement égaux, la moitié est plus jeune et l'autre moitié est plus âgée. Firstly the number of people dying increased due to a fall in living standards, and among men who were hit hardest, alcoholism. Sources - What is a population pyramid? Rosstat, the official Government statistics agency, suggested that the population of Russia in 2011 was 141.8 million, and the CIA estimated that the population was even lower: 138.7 million. 9 338 070 vaccins ont été réalisés contre 4 162 684 il y a un mois.. 6 231 863 personnes. The Russian Census 2021 (Russian: Всероссийская перепись населения 2021 года) will be the third census of the Russian Federation population since 2010 and the third after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.It is scheduled to take place between October 1 and October 31. In total, there are more than 185 different ethnic groups in Russia. Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), UN World Population Prospects (2019 Revision). Statistiques de la Fédération russe. Like most countries, Russia undertakes a census every decade or so. La partie européenne de la Russie concentre 78% de la population totale sur 25 % du territoire. The graphic also demonstrates that Russia is a fairly ethnically diverse country. Russia has one of the lowest fertility rates in the world of 1.58 births per woman, which is also below the replacement rate of 2.1 births per woman. Ce nombre préoccupant témoigne du déclin démographique du pays. suggested that the population of Russia in 2011 was 141.8 million. Time will tell if Russia is able to overcome its issues and see greater growth, as otherwise it will be prone to collapsing infrastructure with its massive land area and untapped natural resources. Actuelle de la population, les naissances et les décès aujourd'hui et au cours de l'année, la migration nette et la croissance démographique. Population growth and demographics have long been a problem for Russia, as a decade ago the nation was losing 1 million people a year, and many doubt Vladimir Putin's plans will work. Some are close to extinction. Between 1993 and 2008, Russia’s population saw a considerable decline in its population from 148.37 million to 143.25. For the headline figures, this Russian population infographic created by Russian news agency RIA Novosti is informative. Russie (Fédération Russe) - 2021. La population de la Russie s'établissait à 146,78 millions d'habitants au 1 er janvier 2019 sur la base des derniers chiffres officiels [9], [7], en incluant la population de la Crimée dont le statut est contesté. This means the natural loss of population was about 20% larger than in the previous year. While projections into the future of Russia are very difficult, it's estimated that Russia will fall from the 9th most populous country to 17th by 2050. Et là, il faut écouter les professionnels, cela a déjà été dit. As of January 1, 2021, over 146.2 million inhabitants resided on the Russian territory.
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