On 22 September 1979 around 00:53 GMT, the Vela 6911 satellite detected the characteristic double flash of an atmospheric nuclear explosion apparently over the Indian Ocean or South Atlantic. Sommaire L'incident de Vela est la possible détection d'un essai nucléaire par un satellite américain de détection d'essais atomiques nommé Vela. The location of the incident was within South Africa’s territory and, at the time, the country had a nuclear weapons program. It and its twin, Vela-5B, were placed ~180 degrees apart in nearly circular orbits at a geocentric distance of ~118,000 km on 23 May 1969. They were equipped with solar panels generating 90 watts. The Mysterious Vela Incident. To date, there is no official account of what caused the double flash leading to several hypotheses being advanced on the probable cause. Though each satellite’s intended lifespan was only eighteen months, the units continued to detect detonations for years thereafter. It may have been detected due to a malfunction caused by a small meteoroid impacting the satellite. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. After apartheid, South Africa disclosed all of its nuclear weapons information and it became a common consensus that at the time of the incident, the country had no capacity to construct such a bomb. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book No. On the night of September 22 nd, 1979, the Satellite Vela 10 detected a “Double Flash” event near the Prince Edward Island in the South Indian Ocean. S, 40 deg. On this day, the satellite reported a possible nuclear explosion somewhere between the Crozet Islands and the Prince Edward Islands (South Africa territory) in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Sommaire. L'incident de Vela est la possible détection d'un essai nucléaire par un satellite américain de détection d'essais atomiques, nommé Vela. passionate about stem cell research, regenerative medicine, and life extension therapies. Much information about the Vela Incident is still classified, so it can be hard for civilians to make a reliable estimate about which country might have detonated the bomb. At 00:53 UTC, an American Vela satellite, one of a series of such satellites created to monitor the planet for signs of … The original Vela satellites were equipped with 12 external X-ray detectors and 18 internal neutron and gamma-ray detectors. projection orthographiques centrée sur le site de l'accident. A final theory is that French territory of Kerguelen Islands was not far to the west of the double flash location and therefore it was possible for them to test a small neutron bomb. Forty years ago, on 22 September 1979, the bhangmeters on a U.S. VELA satellite picked up signals that were initially interpreted as most likely originating from a nuclear test in the far South Atlantic but which a high-level White House panel chaired by MIT professor Jack Ruina later interpreted as more probably the result of a non-nuclear event (e.g., a striking meteoroid) on or around the satellite. 1 Détection; 2 … At the time of the incident, the Carter administration downplayed the incident to avoid mass nuclear paranoia and claimed that the double flash was actually caused by a glitch in one of the satellite’s sensors that occurred after a small meteoroid collided with the spacecraft. Although India’s test was legal, the country became a suspect because it was capable and its navy frequented the region. Prior to this incident, it had previously detected 12 other double flashes, and each of those was later confirmed to come from a nuclear detonation (among all of the satellites of the Vela system, 29 other double flashes had also been detected, and each of those was also later confirmed to be the … Facebook; Twitter ; Google+; On September 22, 1979, something very strange happened out at a remote, uninhabited area between the Crozet Islands and the Prince Edward Islands, off the southern tip of Africa in the Indian Ocean. Around 3.00 am on that day, a US Atomic Energy Detection System … Spying … This satellite also had the capacity to detect x-rays, neutrons, and gamma rays. Michael is a longtime wiseGEEK contributor who specializes in topics relating to paleontology, A panel dispatched to study the Vela Incident was skeptical about its nuclear origin, pointing out that only one of the two Vela satellites picked up the explosion. Other speculations include the reflection of some other non-nuclear event such as lightning at the same time as a meteor hitting the satellite or a technical malfunction since when the flash occurred the Vela satellites were two years past their intended … At present, the public debate remains open, lacking a “smoking gun,” although new information and scientific analysis has emerged supporting the view that the VELA … Vela is short for velador, meaning "watchman" in Spanish. atmosphérique, a été détecté le 22 septembre 1979 à 0 h 53 GMT par le All maps, graphics, flags, photos and original descriptions © 2021 worldatlas.com. Vela Incident – South Atlantic Flash The Vela Incident is also referred as the South Atlantic Flash which is an unidentified double flash of light that was detected on September 22, 1979, near the Prince Edwards Islands off Antarctica, by American Satellite where several of the people are of the belief that it was of nuclear origin. Navy hydrophones picked up acoustic disturbances similar to what would be … The Vela-5B satellite (Photo credit: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) The Vela Incident Nuclear Test or Meteoroid? The approximate location of the flash seen by the Vela-5b satellite Image credit: Wikimedia Commons/public domain. The US satellites which detected the mysterious nuclear explosion were called Vela after Project Vela, the American program to monitor Soviet adherence to … Other sources claimed that the Soviet Union might have been responsible for the incident to secretly violate the 1963 Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. That … This area is between The Prince George Islands of South Africa and Bouvet Island, which is owned by Norway, but is very small and totally uninhabited. In the weeks after the blast, there was much confusion as to whether this really was a nuclear explosion, and if so, to whom it belonged. However, South Africa had ratified the Partial Test Ban Treaty and therefore had nothing to hide. Critics claim that the American President Jimmy Carter, who was facing re-election at the time, manipulated the investigations for a political mileage. Cet incident eut lieu le 22 septembre 1979 . The orbital period was ~112 hours. Vela started out as a … Vela was the name of a group of satellites developed as the Vela Hotel element of Project Vela by the United States to monitor compliance with the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty by the Soviet Union, and other nuclear-capable states. The first twin craft were orbited on October 17, 1963. Although investigations remain classified, investigators ruled out an explosion. The Vela Incident, sometimes referred to as the South Atlantic Flash, was a mysterious nuclear explosion which occurred near the very remote Bouvet island, thousands of miles south of Africa. Report on the 1979 Vela Incident By Carey Sublette. Much later, the United States National Security Council (NSC) revised this position as inconclusive and directed South Africa to shed more light on what had transpired near its overseas territory. The flash was detected at approximately 47 degrees South, 40 degrees East. For more information contact: Jeffrey T. Richelson - 202/994-7000. We may never discover the truth about the Vela Incident until the papers concerning it are declassified, and even then, there may be insufficient information to conclude one way or the other. In addition to being an avid blogger, Michael is particularly L'incident Vela, également connu sous le flash de l'Atlantique Sud, a eu lieu le 22 Septembre, 1979, quand un type de satellite américain Vela - conçu pour la détection des explosions nucléaires - a repris. The satellite rotated … Also, since the Vela Hotel 5B satellite had been in orbit for 16 years at the time when the Vela Incident occurred, it is possible that … Documentation of what would become known as the Vela Incident remained classified for years as the world wondered which nation had detonated the weapon. Documents Show Significant Disagreement with Presidential Panel Concerning Cause of September 22, 1979 Vela "Double-Flash" Detection . The satellites were always launched in pairs to an orbit of more than 60,000 miles (96,000 km) above Earth. The flash was picked-up by Vela 6911, a nuclear detonation detection satellite launched by the U.S. in 1969. The Vela Incident remains a fascinating chapter of the Cold War, one where space and the geopolitical intrigue overlap. It was a mysterious “double flash” of blinding light. 1 Détection; 2 Éventuels auteurs; 3 Références; 4 Liens externes; Détection [modifier | modifier le code] Un double éclair lumineux, caractéristique d'une explosion nucléaire atmosphérique, a été détecté le 22 septembre … On September 22nd 1979, the sensors aboard the US Vela Satellite picked up a distinctive signal from somewhere in the vast expanse of the South Atlantic ocean. A US Vela Hotel satellite captured the Vela Incident, also known as the South Atlantic Flash on September 22, 1979. Methuselah Foundation, the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, and the Lifeboat Foundation. The Vela Incident is named after the United States' Vela spy satellite, which observed the characteristic double flash of a nuclear bomb in the early morning hours of 22 September 1979. The so-called Vela Incident is widely assumed to be the result of a joint Israeli-South African nuclear test, but this theory remains is unconfirmed. The Vela satellite was part of a system speficially designed to look for nuclear explosions, but the incident it recorded was soon corroborated with additional data. American Vela satellite 6911 detected the incident while on its routine check on nuclear-test explosions that breached the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. 19 708 Pages. Vela incident. A thousand km or so away there was a French nuclear testing ground, so there has also been speculation that the Vela Incident was the detonation of a French neutron bomb. E in the Indian Ocean, in the … a satellite 6911 detected the incident while on its routine check on nuclear-test explosions that breached the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. Several nations became suspects for being responsible for the double flash including Israel, South Africa, USSR, India, Pakistan, and France. Satellites Vela 5A et 5B. Incident Vela. Prior to the mysterious event of September 1979, the orbital surveillance system had … Some sources claim that the incident was characteristic of a nuclear test while others believe that the flash was as a result of an aging satellite generating electrical signals. The two satellites, A and B, were separated after launch. Many, however, doubt the veracity of the panel's claims, arguing they were politically motivated. BooWiki. The incident was a double flash of light that beamed off Antarctica near the Prince Edward Islands. Programme : Projet Vela & Integrated Operational Nuclear Detection System (IONDS). In the weeks after the blast, there was much confusion as to whether this really was a nuclear explosion, and if so, to whom it belonged. The Vela-5A nuclear test detection satellite was part of a program run jointly by the Advanced Research Projects of the U.S. Department of Defense and the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, managed by the U.S. Air Force. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. The test location was later localized at 47 deg. Although some speculate that it was actually a meteor, the scientists responsible for designing the Vela satellite are adamant that it made its assessment of the presence of the characteristic nuclear double-flash properly. Furthermore, two years before the incident, the UN Security Council Resolution had put an arms embargo against South Africa, requiring all states to refrain from "any co-operation with South Africa in the manufacture and development of nuclear weapons.". Long before the incident, US intelligence suggested Israel had nuclear weapons. Incident Vela. Now Vela 10 was one of 12 such Satellites which were launched by the United States in the 1960s. Navy hydrophones picked up acoustic disturbances similar to what would be expected if a small nuclear weapon were detonated on or just under the surface of the ocean. He has also worked for the It is thought to have been a clandestine nuclear test by either the South African or Israeli government. Posted - May 5, 2006. The explosion was in the two to three kiloton range. Projection orthographique centrée sur l'archipel du Prince-Édouard, lieu de l'incident de Vela. In addition, the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico detected a significant shockwave that was causing ionospheric … Furthermore, independent investigations differently conducted by authors Seymour Hersh, Leonard Weiss, Thomas C. Reed, and Richard Rhodes suggested that Israel had cooperated with South Africa to test a nuclear weapon with the knowledge and protection of Carter’s administration. Sommaire. Deep sea sonar picked up a dull thud that was consistent with sounds emitted during confirmed nuclear tests. Vela Incident On September 22, 1979, the United States surveillance satellite Vela Hotel 6911 observed a double flash at 00:23 GMT. Furthermore, studies of wind patterns suggested an activity like an explosion. In the weeks and months that … Vela Satellite. By 1967 an advanced version of the satellite had been developed. Brent Swancer July 4, 2020. physics, biology, astronomy, chemistry, and futurism. Create Page. What was it? How Many Countries Are Recognized By The United States. The Vela Incident is named after the United States' Vela spy satellite, which observed the characteristic double flash of a nuclear bomb in the early morning hours of 22 September 1979. The Vela-5A/B Satellite in its cleanroom. Reed continues to claim that the incident was an Israeli neutron bomb that was meant to go undetected by testing it during a window of opportunity when no active vela satellite observed the area. The name Vela comes from the Spanish verb "velar", meaning to keep a vigil. Other sources also claim that the lights were as a result of a meteor hitting a Vela satellite. Initial assessment pointed to a low-yield nuclear explosion, but, US Airforce later released a statement clarifying that the event was not a nuclear explosion but may have been a bomb blast or some natural phenomena including a combination of lightning and a meteor. Each Vela spacecraft carried radiation detectors sensitive to X-ray and gamma-ray emissions. In 1974, India conducted the Smiling Buddha nuclear test. Initially the Soviet Union or China were suspected, but they would have no reason to detonate a bomb in the area unless they wanted to make it look as if South Africa or Israel had done it. Cette série d'engins a été lancée entre 1963 et 1970. Cet incident eut lieu le 22 septembre 1979. For decades, the VELA 1979 incident has been viewed as an unresolved mystery of the nuclear age; one of those historical events that demand long-term efforts to seek declassification of key documents on the incident and the ensuing controversy. Proponents of this claim cite the USSR’ 1959 secret underwater tests. Cet incident eut lieu le 22 septembre 1979. L'incident de Vela est la possible détection d'un essai nucléaire par un satellite américain de détection d'essais atomiques nommé Vela. L 'accident Vela, également connu sous le nom Atlantique Sud Flash, Elle a eu lieu le 22 … print PDF. The United States established the Vela satellite network in the 1960s for the specific purpose of monitoring compliance with the 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty. However, additional scanning using US and NATO equipment of the area did not give a sufficient conclusion. Last changed 1 September 2001 The Vela Incident . 190. To this day there are those who believe the Vela Incident was the result of an exploding meteor, similar to the Tunguska event in eastern Siberia.
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