Dr. Noureddine Melikechi, who is the founder of the DSU Optics Research Program, the University’s vice president of research, and the dean of the DSU College of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Technology, is working as a collaborator with NASA in connection with the upcoming Nov. 26 launch of the Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) – which includes the Curiosity land rover. IM: Previous space missions were often accompanied by various controversies, particularly in relation to justifying the vast amount of spendings required to support such missions. Noureddine received his Diplôme d'Études Supérieures in Physics from the Houari Boumediene University of Sciences and Technology in Algiers in Algeria, and his Doctorate in Philosophy, in Physics, fro [...] Skip to main content. Suite 420, 220 Pawtucket St. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. To be successful, a strategy will need resources -even during its development phase- and periodic independent evaluation. Sciences Dean Takes Part in NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission Noureddine Melikechi Will Help Study the Surface of the Red Planet This view of Mars was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2016, when it was 50 million miles away. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. IM: You are currently involved with NASA’s Curiosity Rover Mars mission, could you tell us more about this mission and what it aims to achieve? This laboratory contributes to our knowledge of the geochemistry of the red planet and provides data that helps in the assessment of its past and current potential for habitability. This includes identifying the long-term resources needed to accomplish the desired goals. L’objectif est de savoir si la planète rouge est ou était habitable ou si l’on y trouve de l’eau. Free download, read and cite papers for your scientific research and study. 2.Noureddine Melikechi, Curiosity, c’est lui: Beaucoup ont entendu parler du robot Curiosity qui a atterri sur la planète Mars le 6 août 2012, mais plusieurs personnes ignorent qu’un Algérien est parmi l’équipe qui a pu réaliser cet exploit. All of this is done in a very complex and to a large extent hostile environment: Mars has an atmosphere composed predominantly of carbon dioxide (95%), a surface atmospheric pressure about 1/100th that of Earth’s average and a surface temperature that varies much more than that on Earth: from – 128C during polar night to 27 C at equator during midday at closest point in orbit to sun. Each of us may inspire differently our youth. By remaining focused on designing, planning and shaping their future, there is no reason why our youth will not succeed. He is co-founder of Anas.org and founder and editor-in-chief of Inspire Magazine. Dr. Noureddine Melikechi, Professor of Physics, Dean of the College of Mathematics Natural Sciences and Technology at Delaware State University (DSU) and the founding director of the first Applied Optics Center of Delaware at the same university, speaks to Inspire Magazine about his involvement with NASA’s Curiosity Rover Mars mission, his research and thoughts on science strategy, innovation and culture. Publish your paper and get peer reviewed. Second, we should be prepared to use “failure” as a lesson and to continue to create the ecosystem needed to eventually succeed. Dr. Melikechi is a member of the Mars Science Laboratory team, NASA’s largest Mars exploration effort to date, also known as “Curiosity” rover. So what we learn from this mission is bound to shape future Mars and other planetary missions in many regards: science, technology, innovation, management, outreach and education to name a few. Beaucoup ont entendu parler du robot « Curiosity » qui a atterri sur la planète Mars le 6 août 2012 ,mais plusieurs personnes ignorent qu’un algérien est parmi l’équipe qui a pu réaliser cet exploit. Learn how your comment data is processed. I wish the Magazine much success and as its name indicates I look forward to the days when hundreds and possibly thousands of our young minds are inspired by it. Clearly more measurements will be conducted to further explore this question. Noureddine Melikechi, un Algérien sur la planète… Mars : «L’Algérie se doit d’être un centre gravitationnel et non pas un trou noir» « Il est urgent et même vital de passer a l’auto-confinement. However, the reality is that funds are limited and as a result it is a question of priorities. Noureddine a été choisi pour faire partie de l’équipe ChemCam qui est une des dix expériences qui font partie de la Mars Science laboratory Curiosity, dont le lancement est programmé pour le samedi 26 novembre, pour atteindre la planète Mars, si tout va comme prévu, le 6 août 2012. University Crossing For example, we now know, after only about 90 sols, within the limit of detection of an instrument called SAM, that methane was not detected. University of Massachusetts Lowell. Dans cet entretien, il explique en détails en quoi consiste cette mission, la possibilité d’envoyer des humains sur Mars, les bénéfices d’envoyer un rover sur la planète rouge, le rôle que peut jouer l’Algérie dans la conquête spatiale. Noureddine Melikechi: Please allow me to start by congratulating you for taking a wonderful and exciting initiative: the launch of Inspire Magazine. Il est membre des missions scientifiques Curiosity et Perseverance. First, develop -if of course it does not exist yet- a national research strategy that includes enhancing the science culture in Algeria. Francesca Rossi … First, it is essential that the various players that have a stake in biotechnology work actively together. Ce mardi 28 juillet, sur le site d’information TSA, le chercheur algérien a expliqué dans le détail les objectifs de la mission Perseverance dont le … Well, for MSL, a number of classification algorithms are being developed and tested for their performance in terms of differentiating and labeling various rocks and soils. This will help better prepare our youth to compete globally for the jobs of tomorrow. As an atomic, molecular and optical physicist, my role is to analyze -in very close coordination with other MSL scientists- the Chemistry Camera data we receive from Curiosity. Noureddine Melikechi est un chercheur algérien à la NASA. Evidence for indigenous nitrogen in sedimentary and aeolian deposits from the Curiosity rover investigations at Gale crater, Mars ... V Motto-Ros, F Trichard, Y Markushin, N Melikechi, ... Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 115, 52-63, 2016. IM: What would your advice be to young Algerian researchers about how they can be at the forefront of science and conduct cutting edge research? For example, NASA’s Mars reconnaissance orbiter was used to explore more than 30 sites for the Mars Science Laboratory. This view of Mars was captured by the Hubble Space Telescope in May 2016, when it was 50 million miles away. Dr. Noureddine Melikechi with a 1-1 model of Curiosity. Professor NOUREDDINE MELIKECHI, est un chercheur et inventeur dans le domaine de la physique atomique et nucléaire. Melikechi was involved in the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy experiment onboard Curiosity. My research group works on developing sensitive optical techniques for the early detection of cancers (with a focus on epithelial ovarian cancer and prostate cancer). in Physics at the University of Sussex. Could you tell us a little about this research, the technology used to support it and how it relates to the Mars mission? Noureddine Melikechi Professor of Physics and Dean, Kennedy College of Sciences Greater Boston. The good news -if we can call it that- is that many cancers can be treated successfully if they are detected and diagnosed very early in their development. Open Access journals and articles. Dr Noureddine Melikechi Dean of the Kennedy College of Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Lowell, Member of the SuperCam team for NASA’s Mars 2020 rover mission, and Member of the NASA ChemCam Team on the Curiosity Rover Mission Noureddine Melikechi faisait partie du groupe de travail qui a lancé "Curiosity". Le professeur Melikechi Noureddine est un physicien chercheur qui enseigne à l'université américaine de l'Etat de Delaware aux Etats-Unis. Dr. Melikechi is a member of the Mars Science Laboratory team, NASA’s largest Mars exploration effort to date, also known as “Curiosity” rover. Dr Noureddine Melikechi. Curiosity is already showing us that we have a lot of work to do to better understand the red planet. Dans cet entretien, il explique en détails en quoi consiste cette mission, la possibilité d’envoyer des humains sur Mars, les bénéfices d’envoyer un rover sur la planète rouge, le rôle que peut jouer l’Algérie dans la conquête spatiale. Other large research programs, such as the current work on the Large Hadron Collider are also coming under similar pressures. The Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists & Researchers is an interaction space to discover, share and inspire Algerian intellect across the globe. Deuxièmement, des lycées ont participé à certains travaux de ChemCam.
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