Mount Azhdahak. The highest mountain is Ajdahak-3597 m. In the mountain's crater, there is a beautiful mountain lake. 18 Feb – 2 Apr 1921 • Declared . But, nevertheless, it is absolutely worth the trip for anyone who loves mountain climbing and wants to get a taste of this delightful adventure. Map of Armenia and Surrounding Countries Selon les preuves documentées, une civilisation existait en Arménie depuis l'âge du bronze, voire plus tôt, vers 4000 av. The length of the range is 50 km. It is also something that many Armenians view with a feeling of loss. Aragats(4091 m) Despite the fact that this majestic mountain is now located outside the territory of Armenia, we cannot help giving it special attention in this article, because it has always been and remains a revered symbol of the motherland for all Armenians. The highest mountain is Urasar Trouvez les Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic images et les photos d’actualités parfaites sur Getty Images. The beautiful white capped giant will forever stand as the guardian of the Armenian people In order to save the king, the dogs gnawed the chains continually. Besides Abovian’s involvement (and subsequent mysterious disappearance) and later climbs by others, the hold of Mount Ararat in the popular imagination of Armenian society was reinforced over the course of the 20th century when the mountain featured on the coats-of-arms of two free Armenias and one Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. It comes from the name of one of the vishaps, known in both Armenian and Persian mythologies. 1. Armenians in exile in France looked to a scholar at the Armenian Institute in Venice, Ghevont Alshin, for a flag in 1885. The name of the mountain is connected with the name of the Supreme God of the Armenian Pantheon. The highest mountain is Kaputjukh(3904 m). 2. Aragats(4091 m) 2. Located in the Aragatsotn Province in the west of the country, it is known for the four peaks situated at the top. Near the top of the mountain is the beautiful Lake Kari, which, although very cold, makes for a great site to settle down and have some barbecue. The beautiful white capped giant will forever stand as the guardian of the Armenian people The separation of these systems is brightly expressed in the central, extended part of the highland. Mount Ararat is the highest volcanic massif of the Armenian Plateau and is composed of two cone-shaped mountains – Big (Masis) and … Although Mount Ararat is not within the current borders of the Republic of Armenia, no list about Armenia would be complete without it. No matter where you go in Armenia, you will be able to see plenty of mountains all around. It is the third highest mountain. According to an old legend, Ararat and Aragats were sisters, who loved each other very much. There are many different carvings depicted on these stones, such as images of humans and animals, cattle breeding, myths, traditions, wars, dancing, and astrology. Its name comes from the name of an evil dragon in Armenian mythology. It was originated in a vast pressure of the Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan) folded range. It is the Armenian plateau, where several mountains(Ararat, Sipan, Aragats) are above the mountains' system, standing on the edges of the highlands. What are some of the biggest and most beautiful mountains in Armenia? 5 talking about this. It is a part of the Caucasus region; and is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, the Lachin corridor under a Russian peacekeeping force, and Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the south. It is a regular cone with jagged summits and slightly oblique slopes. your username. He turned the brothers into mountains, entrusting them to close and harden the way to Armenia for enemies. (huge mythological creatures in the myths of the Armenian Highland and West Asia people). As ancient people weren't able to explain some phenomenon, they made up legends. The eastern branch of Zangezur mountains. 4. When visiting Mount Aragats, there are plenty of significant historical monuments on the slope of the mountain and in nearby villages that you must see. Sipan- This is an extinct volcano on the northern part of Lake Van. your password Choisissez parmi des contenus premium Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic de … 9 talking about this. This lake is mostly composed of melting snow, but you may notice that the way this lake appears might not always be the same depending on the season and the time of the day. Mountains in Armenia – The Ultimate Guide. But every evening, on Navasard eve (Armenian New Year- August 11), the blacksmiths beat with the hammers for three times, and because of this, the chains are again strengthened. It is located at an altitude of 1,651 meters. The highest mountain of Sevan range on the territory of Armenia is Perezak-3290 m. There are many legends about the range's name. The next highest peak is the western(3996 m), then comes the eastern(3909 m) and the shortest(3888 m). Exactly here, to the throne of God(the name is translated this way), from ancient times, people came to get answers to their deepest questions. But one day they quarreled with each other. It stretches meridionally from the intefluve of the Terter and the Arpa rivers (to the north from the Vorotan) to the Araksayua valley. 1921–1921: Flag. Although short-lived, this Armenian republic was the first independent Armenian state since the Middle Ages. There are lots of  legends and beliefs associated with it. In all periods of history, especially in pre-Christian times, the mountain Aragats has always had an important meaning for Armenians. Big Ararat or just Ararat is the highest mountain of the Armenian Highland, its height is 5165 m. The mountain has always had special meaning for Armenians. The length of the range is 60 km. As she wasn't able, she cursed them: " Let Ararat and Aragats be so separate that they never meet again". It is also featured in the names and logos of countless public … The rocky, 3D-like peaks of this mountain are common among the different mountains in Syunik. They weren't able to get up early. Armenia’s Volcanic Mountain and Plateau region stretches across the southcentral part of the country from west to east separating the northern region of fold-fragment mountain ranges from its corresponding southern part. Being refused by the king, she declared war against him and placed her army in this very place. When you reach the top of the mountain, not only are you greeted by stunning views of the surrounding area, but there is also a small crater lake at the top of the mountain and a church that was built in 2009. Some have more meaning to the Armenian people than others, but for a mountainous country like Armenia, all mountains are considered to be among the country’s greatest treasures. Thanks to the efforts of this observatory, Armenia became a leader in astrophysics. The state language of the Republic of Armenia shall be the Armenian language. The 5 highest mountains of nowadays Armenia are: 1. The length is 70 km. The highest mountain- Aramazd(3399 m). Hotel Alpha Hôtel à Erevan . 3. Article 21. It’s definitely possible to climb to the top of this mountain, which will prove to be a fun adventure. It is a part of the Syunik Mountain Range and is 3,296 meters above sea level. Status: Unrecognized state: Capital: Goris : Common languages: Armenian (de facto) Government: Republic: Commander History • Sovietization of Armenia . Armenia is a landlocked country well-known for its bounteous mountains and stunning landscape. These are folded mountains that stretch 54 km towards the north-west: from the junction of Agstev and Getik rivers to the top of Kashatagh. Category contains. Ughtasar is another mountain in the Syunik region near the city of Sisian. Armenia , officially the Republic of Armenia, is a landlocked country located in the Armenian Highlands of Western Asia. Another legend has it that in ancient times the Armenian mountains were husky and tall brothers. 2. Because of its average altitude of 1500-1800 m above sea level, and the high position, compared with the surrounding countries, the Armenian Highland was called the “mountain island”. To the north and east Armenia is bounded by Georgia and Azerbaijan, while its neighbors to the southeast and west are, respectively, Iran and Turkey. Located in the present-day Republic of Turkey, this mountain has played a huge role in the Armenian cultural heritage for millennia. The beautiful white capped giant will forever stand as the guardian of the Armenian people Vardenis(3522 m) People have lived here, since the Paleolithic Age. Ararat is the symbol of Armenia and even though it is temporarily out of nowadays territory of Armenia, it remains in the memory and perception of people, and the place where the history of Armenians began. If we look at the entire highland, it is the fourth highest mountain. The mountain is made up of two cones, called Greater Ararat and Little Ararat, also known among Armenians as “Masis” and “Sis.” The taller of the two is 5,137 meters high (5,165 meters according to Armenian sources), making it the tallest mountain in the Armenian Highland. Armenia … 26 April 1921 • Disestablished . Thus, Armenian highland looks like a huge, fenced by walls' island. Dizapayt is one of the most famous mountains in Artsakh. Many people also make sure to stop by the dragon stones and ancient rock carvings that are located near the mountain, which depict the sun, moon, stars, and images of hunters and fighters. Ararat is the biblical mountain where Noah’s ark landed. These wounds were reopened by the recent war between Azerbaijan, backed by Turkey, and the Armenians in the contested region of Nagorno-Karabakh, also known as Artsakh, Asbarez reports. Armenia, country of Transcaucasia, lying just south of the Caucasus mountain range. Armenian Mountains №1 Ararat. With the 106th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide on April 24, a pair of moving, personal documentaries shed light on the lasting trauma, coming soon to PBS stations in Montreal and Fresno. The Republic of Armenia occupies only a small- north-eastern part of the highland. Armenia is a landlocked country in the geopolitical Transcaucasus (South Caucasus) region, that is located in the Southern Caucasus Mountains and their lowlands between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, and northeast of the Armenian Highlands. It is in the Artanish village and the mountain provides spectacular views of Lake Sevan. He recommended the “rainbow flag given to the Armenians when Noah’s Ark came to rest on Mount Ararat.” He suggested stripes of red, green, and blue, but there were different interpretations among Armenians as to what the exact colours should be. The mountain has 4 peaks, the highest of which is the Northern one – 4090.1 m. Category combines topics. The mountain is the highest point of Iranian Atropoten with a height of 4811 m. Djilo-The highest peak of the Corduene mountains (4186 m). Լեռնահայաստանի Հանրապետութիւն . This lake has clear, beautiful water, so you will be able to see right to the bottom. Their emerald belts turned into green fields and tears into springs of cold water. One feature that many hikers find amazing when they climb this beautiful mountain is the fact that they are literally standing right above the clouds. Mount Ararat is depicted in … Armenia discovery tour. Wikimedia category. It has a volcanic origin. Vardenis range- A volcanic mountain range is on the borders of Gegharkunik and Vayoc Dzor regions. Mountains and volcano ~ about 2600 meters high.Aerial movie shooting by MPV*VIDEO - The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Armenia is as follows: On a shield, positioned in the center, Mount Ararat is represented with Noah's Ark and the coats of arms of the four royal dynasties of the historical Armenia: from top to left - that of the Bargratunides, from top to right - that of the Arshakounides, from bottom … The one said that she's higher and better, the other one said that she's better and more beautiful. Vazgen Sargsyan Republican Stadium, Erevan 78 hôtels. It is a part of the Arjakar mountain range and extends to a height of 2,461 meters. The main mountain systems consist of a series of mountain ranges that are connected by passes or divided by vast canyons and valleys. The Armaghan mountain located in the Gegharkunik region is not only an easy feat but an unforgettable one, too. The Corduene mountain range borders it from the south-east. It's a part of Bagrushat mountain range. During the war, Ara the Beautiful had been killed, and after this, his body became the mountain Araler. If you have ever wondered about what mountain did Noah land on, then here is your answer. It was recognized by the Ottoman Empire by the Treaty of Batum on 4 June 1918. Instance of. Photo credits: Wild Armenia mountain, Armenia. This is a volcanic mountain range on the southern part of Georgia, it has borders with Lori and Shirak regions of Armenia. Democratic Republic of Armenia Soviet Armenia Independence Geography. When you get to the top, you will be amazed by the stunning views and scenery of the other mountains in the Armenian Highlands and Lake Sevan. It is an extinct volcano that is situated on the territory of Iran. Mountain Aragats is a massif in the western part of Armenia, between Ararat and Shirak valleys, Akhuryan and Kasagh rivers. Mount Aramazd, the height of which is 3399 m, is the highest peak of Bagrushat mountain range, which is in Syunik region, situated on the eastern slope of Zangezur mountain range. 5. The height of the mountain is 3300 m. For 9 months in a year, Ukhtasar is covered with snow. The height is 4058 m above sea level. The capital is Yerevan. Hrazdan Stadium, Erevan 64 hôtels. +37491100139. 11 talking about this. It’s also recommended that you travel to the mountain in a 4×4 due to how difficult it is to access the road. From ancient times, people went exactly to Aragats to get answers to their deepest questions. Log into your account. Zangezur mountains (Zangezur range) - stretch through the south-east of Armenia. This is the name of supreme God in Old Armenian pantheon- he was the creator of sky and earth, the father of all gods and goddesses of the Armenian pantheon. The 5 highest mountains of nowadays Armenia are: The hike does tend to get steep at times, but many people who climbed to the summit said that the views were so beautiful that they had no time to think about any potential difficulties. These hollows differ from each other in nature, and they represent different physo-graphical zones. The mountain of Maruta intervened and tried to reconcile the sisters. Armenia. Located at 2,829 meters, it is considered to be easy to reach both by car and on foot and it’s also possible to climb in the winter (make sure you have snowshoes!). J.-C..Les fouilles archéologiques effectuées en 2010 et 2011 dans le complexe de grottes Areni-1 a permis de découvrir les plus vieilles chaussures en cuir connues au monde [15], une jupe [16] et une structure de production de vins [17]. There were four different mountains in Armenia called Maymekh, but the one referred to as Greater Maymekh is located in the Tavush region near Dilijan. The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Armenia is a national emblem of the Republic of Armenia. The legend has it, that Semiramis, an Assyrian queen was in love with Ara. These systems lighten the internal elevation, which in the horizontal direction is intersected by a range of internal mountains. It is an extinct volcano known for the small crater lake at the top. This mountain is also an important symbol of the Armenian national heritage, and many stories have been written about it due to the fact that Mount Ararat is directly visible from the top. A de facto independent republic that had been part of Azerbaijan before the Karabakh War. Afar(from Yerevan) the mountain looks like a lying man with his hands on his chest. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. This is one of the major reasons why so many choose to climb the mountain, but also because it provides stunning views of Zangezur, the mountains of Artsakh, surrounding villages, and more. Aragats is the highest mountain of Armenia and the fourth highest one in the Armenian Highland. The last mountain that we will cover on this list is called Artanish, which is located in the Gegharkunik Province of Armenia. So, the name Aramazd, the highest mountain of Bagrushat range. But there is another important reason why you should consider climbing this mountain on your next visit to Armenia. On June 4 Armenia was forced to sign the Treaty of Batum with the Ottoman state, acknowledging the pre-1878 Russo-Turkish frontier along the Arpa and Aras rivers as its boundary, but after the Allied victory in World War I the Armenians reoccupied Alexandropol (now Gyumri) and Kars . Here are some of the biggest mountains in Armenia that you should attempt to see when you come for a visit. Yet, once it was the highest peak in historical Armenia (5165 meters). Ancient Armenians believed that Masis(Ararat) was a "home" for snakes and vishaps Despite the fact that it’s near a well-known tourist attraction like Dilijan, there is not much information about this mountain because it isn’t too popular among hikers. It is the western branch of the Zangezur range. The name of Ajdahak mountain- the highest mountain of Geghama range. Coat of arms. On the south of the basin is Sevan lake. Republic of Mountainous Armenia. Spitakasar(3555 m) 5. It is considered to be a major symbol of the Kapan city and is well-known for being the burial place of Armenian military hero Garegin Nzhdeh. Another legend about the mountain Araler- an extinct volcano with a height of 2577 m. According to the legend, the mountain was named after the Armenian king Ara the Beautiful. Only then they greeted each other. These giant brothers had a custom of getting up early in the mornings and tying their belts. Mount Khustup, located in the Syunik region of southern Armenia, is the tallest mountain in the Katar mountain range at 3,206 meters. Kaputjugh(3904 m) 3.Ajdahak(3597 m) 4. The length of the range is 70 km. Located 2,642 meters above sea level, this mountain is where three of the Hovajur River’s tributaries form. 2 December 1920 • February Uprising. There is a legend, according to which during a hunt the Armenian king Artavazd was captured by Kajks (the spirits of wind and war in Armenian and Georgian mythology) and in chains was imprisoned in a cave. Ishkhanasar or the Big Ishkhanasar is the highest mountain of Ishkanasar mountain massive, which is situated on the Syunik Highland- on Syunik and Artsakh border. Vardenis(3522 m) The main mountain ranges of Armenia are: Symbols of the Republic of Armenia 1. Aragats- The highest volcano of nowadays Armenia. Located in the Gegharkunik region, Azhdahak is the tallest mountain in the Geghama mountain range at 3,597 meters. It is estimated that these petroglyphs date all the way back to the Paleolithic era, whereas some of them date back to the Iron Age. But centuries passed and they got older. There is also the medieval Amberd Fortress and the Vahramashen Church on the mountain’s slopes, which provide for an interesting hike and stunning views. Sevan mountains (Sevan range) - are in the border of Armenia and Azerbaijan. Located in Western Asia, on the Armenian Highlands, it is bordered by Turkey to … This mountain is well-known in religious history because the Bible states that Noah’s Ark landed on the “mountains of Ararat.” This is why Armenians consider it to be a sacred symbol of their national heritage and it is proudly displayed on the country’s coat of arms. People have come to visit this pilgrimage site for centuries. The highest mountain is Vardenis- 3522 m. Javakheti mountains (Javakheti range) - are included in the system of Caucasus Minor. Meilleurs choix d'hôtels en Arménie Choisissez l'un de ces hôtels populaires et bien notés situés en Arménie Tout voir. Zangezur range is a mountain chain in the Armenian Highland about 130 km long. Not because according to Bible Noah’s Ark landed on Mount Ararat after the floods began to subside. There are many petroglyphs near the slopes of the mountain, which is what it is famous for. Khustup mountain is situated in Syunik region of Armenia. Mount Azhdahak is one of the most popular sites in Armenia for those who love hiking and trekking. The separation of the Armenian highland as an independent physo-geographical region is determined with a complex combination of young tectonic and volcanic forms that are rare for the entire planet Earth. Sabalan- The second highest mountain of the Armenian Highland. The ethnic Armenian population has close links with Armenia and the region is only accessible via Armenia. The length of the range is 130 km. The country is situated in western part of Asia, occupies the north-eastern part of Armenian plateau – between Caucasus and Nearest Asia (the inter-river territory between the middle flows of the rivers Kur and Araks) Area 29743 km2 (similar to the Belgium’s and Albania’s territory sizes) Average Altitude Above Sea Level 1800 m (76.5% of the republican territory is on the height of 1000-2500 m above sea level) State border In the … Ararat had a mystical influence on ancient Armenians with its beauty and inaccessibility. Welcome! The Armenian Highland is one of the links of South Eurasia, which stretches from the Iberian Peninsula to Indochina. Bargushat range is a mountain chain in the Armenian Highland situated in the south of Armenia. After seeing this, God decided that it would be better if the brothers became mountains because they had grown and couldn't get up early anymore and even move quickly. The emblem of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic (Soviet Armenia) was created by the painters Martiros Saryan and Hakob Kojoyan in 1921. Kaputjugh(3904 m) The highest points of Armenian highland are: Ararat mountain- An extinct volcano in the centre of the Highland. Ukhtasar is situated in Syunik region, 30 km far from Sisian- in the centre of the Syunik Highland. The one thing that this mountain is notorious for is being extremely difficult to reach. Spitakasar(3555 m) The name Aragats wasn't chosen by the chance, it literally translates as the throne of God- Ararich(God) + gah (throne). First is the Byurakan Observatory, which is located on the slopes of the mountain. You must make sure that you go there at the perfect time of the year- usually between July and September, give or take a few months depending on the weather- because the roads will be covered in snow at any other time. It is dissected by radial mountain valleys. 3.Ajdahak(3597 m) Miapor mountains (Mrghuz, Murghuz) or Miapor mountain range stretches on the border of Gegharkunik, Tavush regions of Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Armenian National Council declared the independence of the Armenian provinces on 28 May 1918. Armenian mountains are the mountains of the Armenian Highland, where Armenians originated and developed, and which is one of the world's civilization centres. Bazum mountain range, spanning east-west in the Shirak and Lori provinces in Northern … The main mountain ranges of Armenia are: Geghama range- It stretches on the borders of Kotayk, Gegharkunik, and Ararat regions- between Sevan and Ararat hollows. The beautiful landscape of the foothills and mountain belts, numerous cultural monuments on its slopes make it possible to classify Aragats among the most interesting peaks attractive for lovers of travel and alpine ascents. (2992 m). The Republic of Armenia occupies only a small- north-eastern part of the highland. mountain. The highest peak is the northern one(4091 m). The flag of the Republic of Armenia shall be tricolour, with equal horizontal stripes of red, blue and orange. The highest mountain of Lalvar massive is Lalvar mountain that has an altitude of 2544 m. The mountain has a form of a stepped dome. “100 … The First Republic, along with the Republic of Mountainous Armenia which repelled the Soviet invasion until July 1921, ceased to exist as an independent state, superseded by the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic that became part of the Soviet Union in 1922. The length is 50 km. The height of Khustup is 3201 m. It originated from volcanic and sedimentary rocks. On the north border of Armenian highland the Eastern Pontic and Caucasus Minor mountain systems rise, and on the southern side rise East and Armenian Taurus. Thus, these giant brothers were turned into mountains. It is one of the few mountains that are totally accessible in the winter, so no matter what time of the year you plan to make a trip to Armenia, Artanish is a perfect choice for hiking enthusiasts. Armenian Mountains: Ararat. Achkhasar(3196 m) is the highest mountain in the range. Located in the Aragatsotn Province in the west of the country, it is known for the four peaks situated at the top.
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