During the 4 years of war the island was transformed into Festung Alderney with five Coastal Artillery Batteries, 22 Anti-Aircraft Batteries, 13 Strongpoints, 12 Resistance Nests, three Defence Lines and 30,000 Landmines, the most fortified island in the World yet - no battle was ever fought. When William the Conquerer become King in 1066 Alderney was attached to the English Crown for the first time. In June 1940, the Channel Islands - British Crown Dependencies - were occupied by German forces. Credit: ITV Channel TV In 1940 at 12-years-old, Beda Thompson, along with all but seven of Alderney… [citation needed] Aftermath Unlike the other Channel Islands only a handful of residents still lived on the island to witness the German occupation and construction of forced labour camps and a concentration camp, the only one ever on British soil. Alderney, 1940. vital to surviving an occupation. Historiquement, par les films qui lui font référence ou les films qui y ont été tournés. Alderney’s experience of the Second World War differs from that of Jersey, Guernsey, and Sark, in that almost the entire population was evacuated before the Germans’ arrival. This left the German troops free to build four concentration camps for … A record of a German unit's departure from Alderney to St Malo at the end of June 1944, after D-Day. There are many information boards covering Alderney's history and natural history. They are an excellent example of how Alderney's original Victorian fortifications were utilised during WWII. Three years earlier, a prisoner from Sylt was gunned down by the SS on this spot. Alderney author Brian Bonnard has published two books revisiting Alderney's past. Alderney Court House shortly after the war, probably in 1946. King Edward III of England authorised Thomas de Ferres in 1337 to “levy and train” militias in the Guernsey, Jersey, Sark and Alderney, to the use of arms and to aray them in thousands, hundreds and twenties. Alderney was then run as a communal farm for 2 years after the war to help repair the island. Event Transparency. Alderney Gaol is an adjoining building just behind the courthouse. Alderney suffered greatly during the second world war. However the oldest surviving reference to the island is in the Charter of 1042. Alderney The War Years Synopsis : Aurigny – Les années de guerre raconte l’histoire de l’évacuation d’Aurigny le 23 juin 1940 jusqu’au lendemain de sa libération le 16 mai 1945, découvrant qui a visité l’île pendant l’occupation allemande, en utilisant les récits de ceux qui étaient là chaque fois que possible. This documentary looked to explore what really happened during the traumatic war years and the affect it had on the survivors and the island since. Eye Film. 2,332 German prisoners of war were removed from Alderney on 20 May 1945, leaving 500 Germans to undertake clearing up operations … Located near Longis Bay, 'The Nunnery' is the best preserved Roman small fort in Britain and is the first evidence of military construction on the island. One tells the tale of Alderney's history through photographs, the other … Vous connaissez certainement moins son histoire mouvementée durant la 2nde guerre mondiale : Soirée exceptionnelle jeudi 8 octobre à 20h30 au cinéma le Palace à Equeurdreville: Projection du film Alderney, the war years (Aurigny, les années de guerre) suivie d'un échange avec le public en présence de Benoît LUC (auteur du livre Les déportés de France vers Aurigny), d' Olivier JOUAULT (professeur d'histoire … 229 Interested. Screening of all three documentarys every Thursday and Saturday at 10am upstairs in the Alderney Wildlife Trust Centre, Victoria Street.Other times by arrangements. The five-year German occupation came to an end on 16 May 1945 and the first day the islanders were able to return to their island on December 15 is known as Homecoming Day, an event still celebrated in Alderney with an annual Bank Holiday. THE HOMECOMINGAfter spending over five years on mainland Britain, on December 15th 1945 the Alderney islanders finally began to return home. Cambridge Battery and Battery n.3 are both part of Fort Tourgis. Share this event with your friends. An unidentified woman cycles across Alderney. The War Years Finished in 2018, the film discovered more about the little known fact that Alderney housed the only concentration camp on British soil. For this week as part of #Heritage75 we will be sharing Alderney’s WWII unique story. By using this website you agree to allow cookies onto your computer. A 3 part documentary series which captures the stories of the people through the evacuation, occupation and homecoming to Alderney in their own words.
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