[15], In 1781 the Marquis de Condorcet recounted the tragedy of the castaways of Tromelin, to illustrate the inhumanity of the slave trade, in his book Reflections on the Slavery of Negroes advocating the abolition of slavery. Il transporte 160 esclaves malgaches Sulidae populations have seriously declined in the western Indian Ocean with those on Tromelin among the healthiest remaining. En 1761, des esclaves malgaches furent abandonnés sur l'île de Tromelin, après le naufrage d'une embarcation de la Compagnie française des Indes orientales. Biographie de Jacques Marie Boudin de Tromelin, seigneur de Lanuguy", "A geomorphological reconnaissance of Tromelin Island, Indian Ocean", 10.1130/0016-7606(1967)78[1247:MPWIO]2.0.CO;2, "Shipwrecked and abandoned: The story of the slave Crusoes", "Ce n'est que quinze ans plus tard, le 29 novembre 1776, que le chevalier de Tromelin récupérera huit esclaves survivants : sept femmes et un enfant de huit mois. The island was discovered by France in 1720s. According to Max Guérout, head of the mission, "In three days, a well 5 meters deep was dug. [7] A 1,200 metre (3,900 ft) airstrip provides a link with the outside world.[8]. We found many bones of birds, turtles, and fish." Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}15°53′32″S 54°31′29″E / 15.89222°S 54.52472°E / -15.89222; 54.52472. It is currently only 7 metres (23 ft) high. Cette île est à 535 km au nord de la Réunion. 60 à 80 malgaches restent sur l’île. [2], Tromelin is situated in the Mascarene Basin and is part of the Iles Eparses. Le dessinateur Sylvain Savoia a réalisé une bande-dessinée sur l'aventure des esclaves oubliés de l'île Tromelin. Parmi les centaines de rendez-vous d'Etonnants Voyageurs, il en était un qui mettait en lumière l'île Tromelin, et l'histoire de ses esclaves oubliés. The waters are rich with fish. 31 juillet 1761 : Naufrage de l’Utile, navire de la Cie françaises des Indes orientales, avec à son bord 160 esclaves malgaches transportés en fraude. The United Nations never recognized the Mauritian sovereignty over Tromelin. Plan de l’île de sable (actuelle Tromelin) et détail du naufrage dressé en 1761. Basements made of beach sandstone and coral were also found (the survivors thus transgressed a Malagasy custom according to which stone constructions were reserved for tombs). Deux mois plus tard, le gouverneur l’envoie à Madagascar pour Tromelin is administered as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French Overseas Territory, but Mauritius claims sovereignty over the island. It lasted for 45 days, and enabled the identification of many tools and shelters, as well as the layout of the site.[15]. During this second failed rescue, a sailor managed to swim to the island, but he had to be abandoned by the ship due to bad weather. The island's weather station, which warns of cyclones, is still operated by France and is staffed by meteorologists from Réunion. [14], The sailors reached Madagascar in just over four days and, after a stopover in Foulpointe, where men died of tropical diseases, were transferred to Réunion Island (then Bourbon Island), and then to Mauritius (then called the Isle de France). Située à 450 km à l’est de Madagascar et à 535 km au nord-ouest de La Réunion, Tromelin fait partie des Îles éparses, dépendant des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises (TAAF). L’île Tromelin (Carte : Ouest-France) Tromelin. They dug a well, providing drinking water, and fed on salvaged food, turtles, and seabirds. De Fransen ontdekten het eiland in 1722. The French Coral Reef Initiative (IFRECOR) has identified 26 species of corals. During the British period of Mauritius, France administrated the island as a dependency of the region of Réunion and built infrastructure without British protest. [15], After the wreck, the crew and about 60 Malagasy people managed to reach the island, but the rest of the slaves, locked in the hold, drowned. Nous sommes le 11 août 1722, à bord du navire de la compagnie des Indes : La Diane. [3], Tromelin is about 1,700 metres (1.1 mi) long and 700 metres (0.43 mi) wide, with an area of 80 ha (200 acres), covered in scrub dominated by octopus bush[6] and surrounded by coral reefs. Quinze ans plus tard, en 1776, le chevalier Maurice de Tromelin aborde l’île malgré le péril que ça représente, et recueille les derniers survivants : sept femmes et un petit bébé. Jacques Marie Boudin de Tromelin de La Nuguy, "Annexe 2. There is only grass and brush (low shrubs) present on the island. A year later, a second ship, Sauterelle, also failed to reach the island. The Malagasy people, who had been left on the bleak little island, built a shed with coral stones, for most of the wood had been used in the construction of the raft for the crew. Tromelin was the first to precisely describe the island that now bears his name. After a stopover on Mauritius (then called the Isle de France), the ship embarked 160 Malagasy men, women, and children at Foulpointe, on the east coast of Madagascar, to bring them into slavery on Mauritius, despite the prohibition of trafficking decreed by the governor. The fire was maintained for fifteen years, thanks to the wood from the wreck, the island being devoid of trees. [15] The trio was welcomed in the house of the intendant of Mauritius (Isle de France). Le pavillon français fut planté sur l'île qui fut ainsi nommée Tromelin en hommage à ce chevalier", "Tromelin : La Réunion, spectatrice et spoliée", https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/country-files/mauritius/, "Shipwrecked and abandoned: the story of the slave Crusoes", "Lèse humanité: What happened when slaves and free men were shipwrecked together", "Tromelin, la isla de los malgaches resilentes", Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tromelin_Island&oldid=1019949928, Islands of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, Important Bird Areas of the Scattered Islands in the Indian Ocean, Articles with incomplete citations from July 2020, Pages using infobox country or infobox former country with the symbol caption or type parameters, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2020, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from September 2020, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Wikipedia articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 26 April 2021, at 09:41. Depuis 1825 et avant qu’un second levé hydrographique soit effectué en 1875, l’île est désignée indifféremment sous le nom d’île de Sable ou sous celui de Tromelin. Nous allons essayer de comprendre comment le passage d’un nom à l’autre s’est produit. Les marins blancs trouvent vite le moyen de repartir, abandonnant quelque 80 naufragés noirs. Ils ont survécu pendant 15 ans en recréant une micro-société. Veloutaries (Heliotropium foertherianum) and purslane (Portulaca oleracea), with growth shaped by a dominant east winds are present everywhere on the island. It allowed the discovery of three new buildings and many objects, including two lighters and flints, which elucidated the technique used by the castaways to rekindle the fire. Sauf que, souvenez-vous aussi que Robinson Crusoé était à l’origine parti naviguer à la recherche d’esclaves africains. In summer, it can suffer the onslaught of cyclones and tropical storms. Malheureusement, il ne trouvera vivants que sept femmes et un bébé de 8 mois. A son bord : un équipage français et 160 captifs, embarqués illégalement à Madagascar. L'île Tromelin, petit coin de terre convoitée par tant d'états mais dont la France entend défendre son appartenance. The French claim to sovereignty dates from 29 November 1776,[18] the date that the ship Dauphine arrived. However, they met with a categorical refusal from the governor, with the justification that France was fighting the Seven Years' War and thus no ship could be spared, the island of Mauritius being itself under threat of attack from British India. Het vormt vanaf dan een onderdeel van de Verspreide Eilanden in de Indisch… Elle est située au large de Madagascar.C’est une des îles Éparses ; avec les autres îles de ce groupement, Tromelin est un territoire français d'outre-mer et des terres australes et antarctiques françaises.L'île n'a aucun habitant permanent, mais accueille des missions scientifiques, et en particulier météorologiques. However, the remains of two bodies displaced during the digging of the foundations of a building of the weather station have been uncovered. L'île Tromelin est une île de l'Océan Indien. [15] This sailor remained on Tromelin Island and, some time later, probably around 1775, built a raft on which he embarked with three men and three women, but which disappeared at sea. Il ne s'y arrête pas et la nomme sobrement "Île des sables". L’ÎLE DE TROMELIN ET SON HISTOIRE Parti de Bayonne le 17 novembre 1760, l’Utile, un na-vire de la Compagnie française des Indes orientales, s’échoue le 31 juillet 1761 sur l’île de Sable (aujourd’hui île de Tromelin), un îlot désert de 1 km² au large de Madagascar. In 1814 werd het onder het gezag van het Franse departement Réunion geplaatst. [9] The red-footed boobies constitute the only polymorphic population in the region, indicating its biogeographical isolation. He arrived at the island on 29 November 1776, and rescued eight stranded enslaved Malagasy people who had been on the island for 15 years. In 2016, an exhibition presenting the results of the various excavation campaigns, entitled "Tromelin, the island of forgotten slaves", was presented jointly in metropolitan France and in the DROM: At the Stella Matutina Museum in Saint-Leu (La Réunion), the castle of the Dukes of Brittany in Nantes, the House of Agglomeration of Lorient, the Aquitaine Museum in Bordeaux, the departmental museum of archeology and prehistory of Martinique in Fort-de-France, and finally to the Basque Museum of the History of Bayonne from June to November 2017. Most had died within the first few months on the island. France and Mauritius have been negotiating for years in regard to the possible establishment of a condominium over the island. L'île de Tromelin est située à 535 km au nord de l'île de la Réunion, dans l'océan Indien. Le 31 juillet 1761, le navire l'Utile fait naufrage sur la petite île de Tromelin, située entre Madagascar et La Réunion. Son capitaine, Jean-Marie Briand de la Feuillée, se laisse sûrement porté par les alizés quand il voit l’île pour la première fois. [15], A third archaeological mission took place in November 2010. Entre 2006 et 2013, les fouilles archéologiques conduites sur l’île de Tromelin ont permis de redonner la parole aux esclaves malgaches qui, à partir de 1761 et pendant quinze ans, ont vécu, abandonnés, sur ce minuscule écueil cerné par les déferlantes. Het ligt in de Indische Oceaan, ongeveer 350 kilometer ten oosten van Madagaskar (Geografische coördinaten: 15°53′Z, 54°31′O). [20] Indeed, as early as 1959, even before independence, Mauritius informed the World Meteorological Organization that it considered Tromelin to be part of its territory. The crew retrieved various equipment, food and wood from the wreckage. They were all from the Central Highlands of Madagascar, and had no knowledge of how to produce food in the coastal environment. LINFO.RE – créé le 5.10.2013 à 17h25 – mis à jour le 27.01.2021 à 15h54- [19], It is a matter of dispute whether the building agreement transferred sovereignty of Tromelin from one to the other, and Mauritius claims the island as part of its territory, on the grounds that France has not retained its sovereignty over island in 1814 which was de facto part of the colony of Mauritius at the time of independence. The latter were decimated in 1986 by cyclone Erinesta. "[15], An anonymous logbook, attributed to a writer of the crew, was found. Tromelin has an Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of 280,000 square kilometres (108,109 square miles), contiguous with that of Réunion. Castellan built two camps, one for the crew and one for the slaves, a forge and an oven, and with the materials recovered from the wreckage, began construction of a boat. Géolocalisation de l'Ile Tromelin OSM (6080162).png 1,156 × 722; 183 KB L Utile wreck.jpg 1,297 × 1,813; 1.09 MB Lettre de felicitations au Capitaine André, Paul, POUX.gif 581 × 846; 59 KB Both masked (with up to 250 pairs) and red-footed boobies (up to 180 pairs) nest on the island. Le 18 janvier prochain, l'Assemblée nationale examine un accord de cogestion entre la France et l'île Maurice concernant Tromelin, un îlot minuscule de l'océan In A navigation error, due to the use of two conflicting charts, caused the vessel to wreck on the reefs of Tromelin Island (then called the Isle of Sand). L'île Tromelin est une île française de l'océan Indien appartenant au district des îles Éparses de l'océan Indien, rattaché aux Terres australes et antarctiques françaises. Tromelin Entre 2006 et 2013, les fouilles archéologiques conduites sur l’île de Tromelin ont permis de redonner la parole aux esclaves malgaches qui, à partir de 1761 et pendant quinze ans, ont vécu, abandonnés, sur ce minuscule écueil cerné par les déferlantes. La première escale, après le départ de La Réunion fût pour l'île de Tromelin le 08 novembre 2017. Île de Tromelin : retour de l’expédition archéologique. Three buildings built with coral blocks have been discovered, including the kitchen, which was still equipped with kitchen utensils, and in particular copper containers that had been repaired several times, testifying to the Malagasy's determination to survive. Flora is poorly developed due to weather conditions and lack of fresh water. When the crew of the ship reached Mauritius, they requested that colonial authorities send a ship to rescue the Malagasy slaves on the island. [15], A second expedition, organized in November 2008, did not reveal the burials observed in 1851 by an English naval officer. [14] The ship had departed Bayonne in France with 142 men. The green turtle (Chelonia mydas), also known as the freshwater turtle, is mainly encountered and, to a lesser extent, the tortoiseshell turtle, better known as the caret. In 2010, Mauritius and France reached an agreement on the co-management of Tromelin, without prejudice to the sovereignty of Mauritius over Tromelin. © GEO. There were also six copper bowls and a pebble used to sharpen knives. Des esclaves qui seront affranchis avant que leur trace ne soit définitivement perdue. The Mauritian claim to sovereignty is based on the fact that the island must have been ceded to United Kingdom by the treaty of Paris in 1814 and should not continue to be administered by France as a dependency of Réunion. a low, flat island in the Indian Ocean about 500 kilometres north of Réunion and about 450 kilometres east of Madagascar. [12], On 31 July 1761[13] the French ship Utile ("Useful"), a frigate of the French East India Company, chartered by Jean-Joseph de Laborde and commanded by Captain Jean de La Fargue, transporting slaves from Madagascar to Mauritius in contravention of Mauritian law, ran onto the reefs of the island. [5][16] Upon arriving there, Tromelin-Lanuguy discovered that the survivors were dressed in plaited feather clothes and that they had managed, during all these years, to keep a fire lit (the island did not have a single tree). [7] The best, but by no means ideal, landing area is on the east side of the northern peninsula. Celui du chevalier de Tromelin qui donnera d’ailleurs son nom à cette île. Sinds 2007 hoort Tromelin nog steeds bij Frankrijk, maar maakt het geen deel meer uit van Réunion. The island has been identified as an Important Bird Area (IBA) by BirdLife International because of its significance as a seabird breeding site. Tromelin, Verspreide Eilanden in de Indische Oceaan, Franse Zuidelijke en Antarctische Gebieden, Shipwrecked and abandoned: the story of the slave Crusoes, https://nl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Tromelin&oldid=58745036, Wikipedia:Commonscat met lokaal zelfde link als op Wikidata, Creative Commons Naamsvermelding/Gelijk delen. Het is een opgeheven atol. « Les esclaves oubliés de l’île Tromelin » en trois dates clés. Both great and lesser frigatebirds used to nest on the island. The results of the research were made public on 17 January 2007. This represented a considerable effort. Sur cette île on trouve une station météo qui a été automatisée en 2015 , des vestiges archéologiques remontant à la tragique période des oubliés de l'île. The breeding populations of both birds have since been extirpated, although they continue to use the island for roosting. For Tromelin Island in the Caroline Islands of the Pacific, see, • Discovered by Jean Marie Briand de la Feuillée, Outlying territories of European countries. With the exception of two or three months in summer, this flat island is swept day and night by heavy winds that are sustained in winter. [15], Captain Jean de Lafargue lost his mind as a result of the wreck, and was replaced by his first lieutenant, second-in-command, Barthelemy Castellan du Vernet who lost his brother Leon in the shipwreck. Cette fois, le navire est baptisé l'… Tromelin is administered as part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, a French Overseas Territory but Mauritius claims sovereignty over the island despite its absence in the listing of the 8th article of the 1814 Paris Treaty. Deze pagina is voor het laatst bewerkt op 20 apr 2021 om 14:09. A boat was sent, but this first rescue failed, as the ship couldn't approach the island. [12] The survivors remained with Jacques Maillart, governor of Mauritius (Isle de France), who declared them free and offered to bring them back to Madagascar, which they refused. Please update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Mais comment ont-ils pu survivre sur un minuscule îlot où il n'y a rien ? L’îlot permet In 1954, France constructed a meteorological station and a landing strip on the island. Cette île française à l’est de Madagascar et au nord de l’Île Maurice se trouve à 500 kilomètres de la terre la plus proche. [10][11] It was recorded by the French navigator Jean Marie Briand de la Feuillée and named “Île des Sables” (‘Isle of Sand’). Tromelin fait partie des îles Éparses, avec Europa, Bassas da India, Juan de Nova, et les îles Glorieuses, mais elle est la seule île de ce district à se situer hors du canal du Mozambique, qui sépare Madagascar du continent africain. Tromelin has facilities for scientific expeditions and a weather station. [17] Indeed, the treaty doesn't specifically mention all the dependencies of Mauritius which leads to uncertainty on the sovereignty of Tromelin, and the official text was the most clearly text in French. L'île Tromelin est située 450 kilomètres à l'est de Madagascar (Madagascar (Madagasikara en malgache), ou la République de Madagascar (Repoblikan'i...) et à 535 kilomètres au nord (Le nord est un point cardinal, opposé au sud.) La survie d’un groupe humain dans un endroit aussi ingrat paraît inimaginable. The fauna consists mainly of hermit crabs (Paguroidea), seabirds, and sea turtles for which the island is an important nesting place. [3] It formed as a volcano,[4][5] now eroded, and developed an atoll ring of coral. [15], In 1773, a ship passing close to Tromelin Island located the slaves and reported them to the authorities of Isle de France. The island's masked boobies are of the western Indian Ocean subspecies (Sula dactylatra melanops), of which Tromelin is a stronghold. Déjà, le titre: On compare les personnes oubliées sur l’île de Tromelin à Robinson Crusoé, qui, souvenez-vous, s’est aussi échoué sur une île et y est resté pendant des années. The island is named in honour of Jacques Marie Boudin de Tromelin de La Nuguy, captain of the French corvette Dauphine. They also built a lookout on the highest point of the island in order not to miss the ship that would, they hoped, come to their rescue. Tromelin is een onbewoond eiland met een grootte van 1 km². [15] On 27 September 1761, a contingent of 122 French sailors (crew and officers) left Tromelin aboard the Providence. De tekst is beschikbaar onder de licentie. The news of the castaway slaves got published and stirred the Parisian intellectual milieu; later, the episode was all but forgotten with the end of the Seven Years' War and the bankruptcy of the East India Company. One does not have the impression that these people were crushed by their condition. (GOOGLE MAPS) Un îlot inhospitalier et difficile d'accès ; Septembre 1761: Départ des membres rescapés de l’équipage français sur une embarcation de fortune. [15], An archeological expedition entitled "Forgotten Slaves", led by Max Guérout, a former French naval officer and director of operations of the Naval Archeology Research Group, and Thomas Romon, archaeologist at INRAP (National Institute for Preventive Archaeological Research), took place from October to November 2006, under the patronage of UNESCO and the French Committee for the History and Remembrance of Slavery (CPMHE). The ten members of the expedition probed the wreck of Utile, and searched the island for traces of shipwreck, in order to better understand the living conditions of the Malagasy people during these fifteen years. Allochthonous species were introduced on the island during the various shipwrecks: rats, mice and rabbits. Le commandant de bord pour l'OP 3-2017 se nomme A. Eyssautier. [3][7] Access by sea is quite difficult as there are no harbours and the only anchorage, to the northwest of the island, is poorly situated. L'histoire de l'île de Tromelin Partie de Bayonne le 17 novembre 1760, l’Utile, un navire de la Compagnie française des Indes orientales, s’échoue le 31 juillet 1761 sur l’île de Sable (aujourd’hui île de Tromelin), un îlot désert de 1 km² au large de Madagascar, à 500 km de la première terre. [1] It is a nesting site for birds and green sea turtles. "Tromelin, l'île des esclaves oubliés", une exposition à voir jusqu'au 3 juin 2019 au musée de l'Homme, à Paris. Celui ci eut lieu le 1er août 1761. Crédit : Archives nationales En avril 1761, l’Utile, flûte de la Compagnie frans çaise des Indes Orientales, armée à Bayonne ars rive à l’Ile de France (île Maurice). Son surnom : "le danger" et elle le porte bien puisque le deuxième élément clé dans son histoire après sa découverte, est un naufrage. [16], Castellan left Mauritius (Isle de France) to return to France in 1762 and never gave up hope to one day return to the Isle of Sand to save the Malagasy people. [15], It was not until 29 November 1776, 15 years after the sinking, that Ensign Tromelin-Lanuguy, captain of the corvette Dauphine,[2] reached Tromelin Island and rescued the survivors – seven women and an eight-month-old child. Ses dessins ont été exposés au musée d'histoire de Nantes. "Tromelin, l’île des esclaves oubliés", exposition au musée de l’Homme (17 Place du Trocadéro et du 11 Novembre, 75116 Paris), du 13 février au 3 juin 2019. [15] Maillart decided to baptize the child Jacques Moyse (Moses), on the day of his arrival in Port-Louis on 15 December 1776, and to rename his mother Eve (her Malagasy name was Semiavou) and to do the same with the child's grandmother, whom he called Dauphine after the name of the corvette that rescued them. Zoom. [21] A co-management treaty was reached by France and Mauritius in 2010,[22] but has not been ratified.[23]. Car c’est surtout l’espace autour de l’île qui intéresse les deux Etats. [15], The fourth expedition, took place in September–October 2013. They left the surviving slaves – 60 Malagasy men and women – on the desert island, promising to return and rescue them. They tried to survive with order and method. Tromelin Island (/ˌtroʊmlɪn/[citation needed]; French: Île Tromelin, pronounced [il tʁɔmlɛ̃]) is a low, flat island in the Indian Ocean about 500 kilometres (310 mi) north of Réunion and about 450 kilometres (280 mi) east of Madagascar. The ship was a frigate, not a slave ship, and thus was not equipped with the shackles and chains usually found on slave ships. Voir le diaporama Abandonnés par des marins français après un naufrage en 1761, des esclaves malgaches ont survécu pendant 15 ans sur le minuscule îlot de Tromelin…
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